CLI student John Utterbeck enrolled at CLI for free Youth Ministry Mentoring education and is working toward fulfilling his dreams of youth pastoring. Here is his story…

Free Youth Ministry Mentoring Education – John’s Story


I am John Utterbeck Jr, born in the Gulf Coast of Texas in the year of 1993. I currently still reside in the United States of America in the State of Indiana as I have relocated here. Doing ministry in the U.S is glorifying but also has its challenges as we face many issues and obstacles along the way.

I have came to know the Lord knowingly when I was 12 years old when I had first attended church in La Marque, Texas at a church called Abundant Life Christian Center, ministered by the Founder/Head Pastor, Walter Hallam.

My dream is to help, mentor and guide our youths/ young generations in their Walk with Jesus, to remove the youths from the life of the streets into the life of Jesus. I dream to do great influence in the lives of our young ones. I refer myself as Pastor, whether it is Head Pastor or Youth Pastor, I do both. Reason for it is because I have my own ministry, I thrive to help the youths to be better believers, to teach them Gods Words.

The key experience in life to have gotten me to do what I do in ministry would be the growing up abused, molested, neglected and much more. Having had experienced the life I had, and having overcome it like I had done so through Jesus and support of people around me, it led to me want to help our youths to have the ability to overcome anything with Jesus who strengthens them.

In Kokomo, Indiana, the issues among youths are a lot in relations to drugs and gang activities. These two issues is what I believe is what causing problems among our youths in this community, and must be resolved.

Since I relocated to a different state and am currently looking for a proper church for me, I do have the support of a lot of my friends in Texas, whom the majority are ministers or Evangelists and mentors me and advise me whenever possible. I always welcome their opinion and views as they help me do better in my ministry.

My family play a part in my ministry as they also support me in my calling, we all share the same beliefs, and they push me to do well in whatever I am called to do. They expect my sermons and actions and ability to be no less than my best. They are my support physically and spiritually.

The CLI scholarship will help me so much as I am always talking to youths and helping them with any issues they may have, I have sacrificed my sleep to stay up late hours just to talk to the youths with their issues. I am willing to and have done so, sacrifice my time and rest and enjoyment to make sure that I can help these youths, give spiritual advises and make a difference in their lives. I LIVE for our youths and believe that they will be strong Christians that will continue to build our country with the Gospel of God.

You can pray by asking God to continue to guide not only myself but all the youths that seek help or is seeking the Lord, pray for strength and love. To pray that our youths find what they are looking for in our Savior Jesus.

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