Free Women’s Ministry Training

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Free Women’s Ministry Training

My name is Margaret Kuria, I was born and raised in Kiambu, Kenya. Currently, I live in Arizona, USA. I work as a Direct support professional, therapeutic home provider, and a volunteer in the ministry as a worship leader. I am taking theology courses and free women’s ministry training at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about free online Bible courses, Click Here).

Growing up all I knew was church, school, fellowships, conferences, and overnight prayer meetings. My parents were Reverends in our local church. They played a great role in discovering our gifts in the kingdom of God. At the age of 12, I was born again, baptized, Spirit-filled, and spoke in tongues. In Sunday school, I led praise and worship even though I did not have the full revelation of who Christ was to me at that time. I operated and functioned only by the Bible stories and never grew past Sunday class training.

The Drifting

In spite of that amazing upbringing, I drifted a long way from the faith. The challenges of adulthood, ignorance, and lack of persistence in the Word of God pushed me off the track. My naivety and need to fit in the city lifestyle left me with two pregnancies, rejection, insecurity, low self-esteem, and no confidence. I was no longer the Christ-centered or Spirit-filled girl. Of course, to many, there was no hope for me to rise again. Many people watched me as my dreams shattered.

But, thank God for His saving Grace! My parents supported and prayed for me all the time. Although the experiences were horrible, giving up was not an option. In the self-discovery process, I contributed and was fully involved. It was time to lose some relationships and balance my life as a parent and create time to build up my dreams. Deep in me, the truth about God was real, but I kept running away from it.

Rising and Shining

Finally, in 2016, it was time to grow and re-dedicate my life to Christ. Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” In addition, God’s grace took over for my sorrows, hurts, pains, rage, self-condemnation, tears, and fears. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” It opened my eyes, and I chose to be a teacher and role model to my girls.

All of this birthed a desire in me for the girls, teenagers, and single women. I felt the desire to see women change and shine despite the challenges of life they face. Women in the world should never kill their dreams, live in regret, or succumb to a helpless position they find themselves in. There is hope and a place for women. This is especially true in Africa where women suffer in silence and college girls find themselves vulnerable, misused, and dumped. The zeal to see change drives me to always share my wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in my walk with God and salvation from my past experiences. Life has not been easy, but the willingness, commitment, and passion to see other women shine keep me going. I see myself in relation to God and others.

Free Women’s Ministry Training at CLI

A close friend introduced me to Christian Leaders Institute for free women’s ministry training. He understood my passion and vision for women’s ministry and the need to go beyond my personal sphere of influence. My area of interest now is theology and kingdom business. By joining CLI, I will learn more and be equipped for my Women’s ministry calling. The Getting Started and the Connection courses were very informative, well structured, and free. They will contribute to me being more creative, skillful, and growing the vision to empower women according to Biblical principles. I desire to be Bi-vocational like the Apostle Paul, who was a tentmaker and a minister. Women need encouragement and training to be productive in society and God’s kingdom.

God bless CLI for creating this opportunity for me and others all over the world!

Check out Women in Ministry, Click here


Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost college degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.