Free Training to Minister to Women
Hi, my name is Alecia Smith, and I am receiving free training at the Christian Leaders Institute for Women’s Ministry. My family and I live in the United States of America.
I graduated from high school in 1991. Then I ventured off to Florida and received a diploma in the Travel and Hospitality field. In 2001, I got into the field of Early Childhood. I taught in the Young 5’s program and helped in other preschool positions for ten years, started college to get a degree in Early Childhood, and received my CDA. I’m only halfway to an associate’s degree in Early Childhood, but God has different plans for me.
I went through a dark time, which then led me to eat healthily and exercise. That led me to get a certificate in Nutrition Science. God is working. I feel sometimes God lays it on my heart to use my license in health and nutrition as a ministry. I’m still waiting to see how He wants me to do this.
True Identity In Christ
God has laid on my heart for a couple of years to be a mentor to women. He brought me out of all the dark times I went through; all the doubt, guilt, worry, and insecurity. He brought me out of all of those things. I struggled with trying to find my identity in Christ and truly understanding what that meant. He brought me out of that! All of this was about a 5-year process. God is good! He never left my side and was there the whole time.
Love The Broken
My spiritual dream is to be in Women’s Ministry to mentor other women that they are a child of God. Their identity is in Christ. I want to pray with them and for them, to cry with them, to hug them, or whatever they need. To help them understand that they are not alone is vital. I fully understand because I was there myself for quite some time. But, I am not there anymore because God took me out of all that.
Proverbs 31
God showed me the importance of serving and praying for my family. Actions speak louder than words. I am to set an example for my family. When they see things happening, I give God all the glory, honor, and praise because He is working!
I have a wonderful and supportive husband who is on board for me to take these Christian classes to become the woman God has called me to be. Our family consists of two daughters, a son, and three granddaughters. I have a lot of eyes on me, so God is using me as His instrument.
Build Bridges
I’m genuinely grateful for the free training at Christian Leaders Institute! While I was on a walk and praying, God revealed to me to take classes, and I ran across the CLI Facebook page. I believe this is an answer to prayer and my calling!
Learn about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.
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