Free Successful Ordination Training and Certification - David's Story

CLI graduate David Murphy enrolled at Chrisitan Leaders Institute for the free online training that fit with his schedule. He sought a deeper understanding and education in ministry and utilized CLI’s Free Successful Ordination Training and Certification to accomplish his dreams in ministry. Here is his story…

Free Successful Ordination Training and Certification – David’s Story

Hi, my name is David Murphy. The Lord has blessed me with my beautiful wife Jane and three children. We now have five grandsons that help to keep us active. My wife and I live just outside of a small village, Adams, New York, USA were I was raised.
As a youth, I went to church mostly Sunday school but stayed for some services. My parents did not often go and having only one brother that was older I found myself the only one of the family in church. So by the beginning of my teens I stopped going. Found myself dismayed with what I call church politics so saw no need in going. I did get married in a church but still saw little reason to attend even after starting a family of my own.
Then one day I had a great tragedy enters my life and please forgive me because I do not feel that this is the place to give details of this event, it almost caused me to lose my life. It seems that it is at these times in life that Jesus shows up. After a long time of wrestling with Jesus I finally returned to church where in my late thirties I received Jesus as my savoir and lord. Being baptized not long after there were many powerful experiences in my life. Two to three years into my walk I had this great feeling that I needed and wanted to enter ministry in ways that I had not experienced before. Also at the same time my wife and I found ourselves with the feeling that we should home school our children. This turned out to be a good choice for us and have watched as our youngest now has a bachelors degree.
Through the course of time I have done different courses of study and even have been licensed by a local church I still found myself feeling the lack of a credible teaching. I have continued to preach and do bible studies because of the love for and of God and his word as well as a love He has put in my heart for people. Sometimes it can be hard to minister in the area you grew up in because of the people that have known you through the years. I am sure you know the type that I am talking about. Those who look at you and say your religious or ask when did you get religion but on the other side you also have those that tell you what a blessing you are. These people are the ones that help keep you going in the Lord. As for the region it self you find many things that make it good and bad well trying to serve the Lord. One of the good things is this is where God set a man named Charles Phinny into ministry as well as others like the founder of Woolworth Department Stores and Melville Dewy that started the Dewy Decimal system. While men like Charles Phinny were used to bring a great move of God to the area and beyond it also makes the area a target of the enemy. Witchcraft in different forms can be found strong here too.
This brings me to the part that Christine Leaders Institute comes into my life. As I was seeking the Lord for direction on ministry and how he might use me more and or better I saw an add for CLI. After checking it out I saved the site and started to pray about it. Now in my to often usual way I did nothing about it for months. Finally one day going through my favorites setting that I saved I came to CLI and decided to look it over again. I was a little unsure about signing up to take classes but very glad I did. CLI has strengthen my foundation in the Lord as well as the many things that I have learned through the courses. Some of the things that I was learning I was not so sure how important they were but as I completed each course I could how they came together for a better understanding. The bigger picture if you will.
With the CLI ordination I look forward to more openings in ministry and even returning as a trained pastor to a congregation that God would have prepared me for. As an ordained leader I believe that I would have others enroll in Christine Leaders Institute for the foundation of there training. This was a good experience for me. Please pray that I will more obedient and go where God wants me.
Thank you CLI and God bless.

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