
Are you one of the millions of people who have prayed the prayer of serenity? The prayer of serenity was first written by American theologian Richard Reinhold Niebuhr.

Have you ever considered taking a class on the meaning of this incredible prayer? Christian Leaders Institute offers a Free Prayer of Serenity Class that will help you understand each phrase’s Biblical and theological significance.

The prayer of serenity goes like this.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.

The Prayer of Serenity has been used in Alcoholic Anonymous for years. But, in addition to this community, how can it benefit others? Learn more with Professor Steve Elzinga as he looks at each phrase of the prayer and how they can benefit your faith walk.

Free Prayer of Serenity Class Outcomes: 

  1. An understanding of the history and author of the Prayer of Serenity.
  2. A deeper knowledge of the meaning of each phrase of the prayer.
  3. Insight into how the Prayer of Serenity is useful in a Christian walk.
  4. Knowledge of other topics such as hope vs. acceptance, fear of failure, living in the present, blame, denial, avoidance, and joy.

HOW DO I SIGN UP? – The Free Prayer of Serenity Class Mini-class

These free Christian mini-courses are easy to access. Here are your steps:

Step 1 – Register for a free account. 

This takes less than 5 minutes. This account is hosted on our  Moodle Online Course Application.

Step 2 – Complete the Registration For Free Courses Class (about 20 Minutes).

The welcome activity will take you less than 20 minutes to complete. First, you will learn the basics of completing courses at Christian Leaders Institute. Then, you complete a basic profile.

Step 3 – Enroll in mini-courses or regular courses. 

The Getting Started Registration Activity shows you how to enroll in mini-courses and regular courses. After you enroll, you are free to study and grow.

This Free Prayer of Serenity Class has become extremely popular at Christian Leaders Institute. Here is what students have said:

Step 4 (Optional): Enroll in the Christian Leaders Profile and Programs Course to find out about awards, degrees, and minister credentials.

Enroll Now to Begin Step One –Click here

Barbara Kraemer, United States

It was encouraging to me personally.  Recent world attacksPrayer of serenity have been relentless. I’ve been feeling defeated, depressed, frightened,  powerless, and exhausted by so many things coming at me from so many directions lately. This mini-course helped stand me back up.  I received Its message in my spirit. Its encouragement renewed my strength and reignited my fervor and determination.  It was refreshing and like good medicine. I will keep re-reading the slides and my notes,

A. Padaoan, Philippines

I’ve learned that there are things that we cannot control, like changing people’s lifestyle, natural calamities, and poverty rising around the globe. So I’ve learned to accept the things that I cannot change, and I entrusted them to God’s will. I’ve learned as well that we need courage to change the things we can handle and wisdom to properly know the right kind of changes. Sometimes hardships will come along our way indeed, for we are living in this fallen world. But problems are a test of our faith, like refined gold passes through fire so does our faith.

M, Duhart, United States

As the Lord continues to lead me through life, I must continue to follow His leading. There will be times of acceptance and times when I must have the courage to accept His will for my life. Even if the situation is rough.

What did I like about The Prayer of Serenity? That it is not a prayer just for alcoholics to recite, but a prayer to use in our everyday life’s journey. I have never indulged in drinking or smoking but I do have struggles. This prayer has taught me to trust God one day and moment by moment at a time.

Enroll in this Free Prayer of Serenity Class now by clicking here. Go deeper in a prayer that is Biblical and life-changing. Christian Leaders Institute offers many classes and programs that might interest you.

Link Suggestions:

See what other Mini-courses are offered. Click here.

Are you looking for Officiant training and licensing credentials? Click here.

Do you need pastoral training? Click here.

Are you looking for minister credentials?  Click here. 

Are you looking for a debt-free option for college degrees? Click here. 

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