What is free ordination? Free ordination could mean two things. One way to interpret free ordination is that you fill out an online form. Then, you are automatically considered ordained and are registered in a 501 (c) religious church or non-profit. There are many websites that promote this option.

You purchase an official package. No formal ministry training is required for you to be considered ordained. This free ordination approach appeals to people who want to be legally ordained, but do not desire Christian ministry training or local ministry standing.

Another way is to take a free ordination program that includes formal ministry training and a local recommendation. Christian Leaders Institute is your gateway for a free ordination program that includes a process with the Christian Leaders Alliance that includes local recommendations. This makes it a local ordination with online formal training.

Find out how Christian Leaders Institute offers free ordination courses and programs –  Click here


Christian Leaders Institute offers over 150 formal online ministry training courses. Each course has lectures, readings, and even quizzes that help you learn the materials. In addition, the licensed and ordination programs connect your ministry training with your goals.

For instance, if you desire to be a licensed wedding officiant recognized as an ordained clergy member with the Christian Leaders Alliance, you must complete a one-credit course called Christian Wedding Officiant Skills. This is ideal for someone who is asked to perform a wedding ceremony for family or friends. Included in this training are these outcomes:

The Outcomes:

  • Learn what the ministry of the wedding officiant is all about.
  • Learn what needs to happen at the first meeting with a couple.
  • Know God’s design for marriage.
  • Learn about Christian courtship as a marriage worldview perspective.
  • Get the skills of helping a couple develop a wedding program.
  • Learn the basics of a thriving marriage so you can encourage the couple to talk about pre-marriage issues.

Christian Leaders Institue is your gateway to many licensed or ordination training programs. These training programs include tuition-free ministry training, including a large number of licensed or ordination clergy roles.

Click here to see more licensed ordained clergy options. These options fit those who seek to voluntarily or bi-vocationally serve as clergy in local churches or communities. If you are asked to perform a Christian wedding ceremony, this option may fit you perfectly.

Click here to see the fully ordained clergy options. The fully ordained options fit those who want to go deeper into ministry training. Often these options are for the part-time or full-time ministers who are considered ministers in a local church, ministry, or community.


Many states such as Tennessee frown on purely online ordinations. They want formal training and local recommendations to accompany a duly considered clergy member in their state.

Christian Leaders Institute has free ordination programs that require one to three recommendations that you are a person of character and that licensed or ordained clergy status fits you.

This recommendation process takes it from an online ordination to an online ordination grounded in a local understanding of church and accountability.

This process is free of charge through the Christian Leaders Institute, partnering with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

After you have completed your ministry training and submitted your recommendations, you will be considered licensed or ordained clergy and posted on the Christian Leaders Alliance directory.

The entire process is free. First, you complete the free ministry training. Then, you submit your recommendations. Those recommendations are reviewed and approved. Finally, you will finish your online profile that communicates to the world that you have completed your clergy training and recognition. Your name will be in the international directory of the Christian Leaders Alliance. Click Here to see the directory.

After the formal ministry training, local recommendation program, and inclusion in the Christian Leaders Alliance Directory, we invite you to purchase your credentials if you want or need to. Remember, you appear in our clergy directory even if you do not purchase official credentials. The purchase of official credentials does help us support this free ordination program, but we do not require someone to purchase their credentials. This free ordination program is for called Christians called into ministry. Click here to see Clergy Credential Packages


Step One – Enroll at Christian Leaders Insititute – Complete the Registration Class, which takes 15 minutes.  This class familiarizes you with the ministry training process at the Christian Leaders Institute.

Step Two -Complete your study program that connects to your licensed or ordination clergy level.  

The training courses are to be completed at your own pace. You also have up to 6 months of enrollment in each course. Most people complete courses in days, however.

Step Three – Complete the Clergy Recognition Class appropriate to your calling and interest (0 Credits)

You will create your public profile. Then, you will submit one to three recommendations depending on the option your complete. The recommendations are important because this process makes your clergy recognition stronger than other online ordinations.