Free Online Ministry Education

Free Online Ministry Education

My name is VonTashia Butler, and I am receiving free online ministry education at CLI. I am a resident of Garland, Texas, USA. I am a servant of God, a wife, and mother. My husband and I have been married for four years and have a blended family. We are parents to two sons and five daughters. Our children consist of a 17-year-old, 16-year-old, 15-year-old, 12-year-old, and 9-year-old from our previous marriages. Together we have a set of 1-year-old old twins. Though we have only been married for a short time, we met when we were teens. But, we both went our different way, and then married each other some 20 years later.

Saved by Grace and the Struggles of Life

I came to the knowledge of Jesus Christ as a teenager. He became my Lord and Savior during Vacation Bible School at a local church that a friend invited me too. I previously some times attended church with my grandmothers. However, I didn’t know much about having a relationship with God.

My mother, my sister, and I ended up joining a church in the community shortly after that. I became heavily involved in working in the church as an usher, choir member, praise dancer, announcement clerk, and adjutant. I even made the weekly church bulletins and did many other things. Any place I could find a void to fill in the ministry, I would avail myself. Even with all of my dedication to ministry service as a youth, I began to experience many different troubles. I drifted into different struggles that carried over into my early adulthood.

I married for the first time at the age of 20 and divorced seven years later. I am grateful to God that WE survived a toxic relationship riddled with domestic violence. Divorce can be a very traumatic thing, but I count mine as a blessing because it could have gone another way. The children survived, their father survived, as did I, because God’s hand of mercy and protection was upon us all.

Free Online Ministry Education Dream

Today, my husband and I are servant leaders in our local church. We have a passion for people. In December of 2018, I answered the call of God to leave the corporate world and dive deeper into ministry. I want to gain greater ministry training that is diverse and not just tailored explicitly to my denomination. I desired to further my education. During my prayer time about those things, I was lead to the Christian Leaders Institute. I am excited about embarking on this free online ministry education journey. Being equipped to be a more effective example of servant leadership in the Kingdom of God excites me.

The vision of CLI has an exceptional place in my heart. It provides an opportunity for people like me that could not occur due to an inability to pay for this quality education. I looked into several other options for education and ministry training but felt that I couldn’t advance in these because of the cost. This free online ministry education opportunity and the various study options are a Godsend to people like me. These courses are valuable resources that impact student’s lives and produce world changers.


Learn about minister ordinations with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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