free online ministry college

“Imagine a teacher being cursed out every day by a 14 year old, taking it, and only responding by telling the student you’re better than that. Fast-forward 3 years and this now 17 year old sharing that your patience, encouragement, and efforts molded them and they now have a relationship with Christ. That teacher you just imagined was me.”   – Richard Harris, student of CLI’s free online ministry college

Free Online Ministry College- Equipping To Educate, Expand, and Empower

My name is Richard Harris. I currently live in Raleigh, NC, USA. I was raised in a Christian home and started going to church at the age of 2. At an early age, I developed a love and appreciation for God’s Word and His people. As a youth, I accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, regularly attended Sunday School and was an active member of the church. During my senior year in high school, I accepted the call to preach and was licensed to preach on March 7, 1999. I have a degree in Business Management from Howard University in Washington, DC, where I also played collegiate baseball. I have worked as a teacher, coach, and program director. I recently started my own business, Get Ready Athletics, in which we educate communities, expand skills, elevate performance, and empower lives through sport and fitness by providing resources and training opportunities for athletes, parents, and coaches.

The local church has supported my ministry calling by providing opportunities for preaching, teaching, leading, and serving. The local church has also trained me through classes, one on one study, and hands-on experience. I am grateful for the experiences the local church has shared with me to learn more about Christ and serve His people.

I have a passion for helping others develop into better people by effectively communicating, creating a positive environment, and teaching God’s Word. It is my desire to demonstrate God’s love, be of service, and assist in the spiritual development of others in a dedicated and energetic manner. My calling is to lead others in the saving grace of Christ, as well as help them avoid depression and mediocre living through the use of my Christian experience and experiences in sport and fitness.

The opportunity with Christian Leaders Institute’s free online ministry college will help me become better equipped to lead others and share God’s Word. Receiving free online ministry college training will afford me the opportunity to spend more time studying, deepening my understanding and application of the CLI courses instead of working additional part-time jobs. Many people are hurting and are choosing destructive paths over God’s way when they come to the crossroads of life. The spiritual, mental, and physical health of society is diminishing. The abundance of diseases, depression, and dysfunctional relationships is overwhelming. People are crying out, much like the 14 year old I mentioned earlier. Studying at CLI’s free online ministry college will enhance my preparation for impacting the communities I am involved in as I work to reduce the amount of diseases, depression, and dysfunctional relationships that exist.

I ask for prayers that I will have the courage to shine for God, continue to learn more of Him, choose His way, not my own, fulfill my ministry, focus on Him even in darkness, be open to those in need, and keep in mind His promises as I find the good things the bible speaks of.

How To Enroll In CLI’s Free Online Ministry College

Christian Leaders Institute is a free online ministry college where many have joined to be a part of the ministry field and teach the name of Jesus to many! Click here to begin your new journey in ministry! Join and become family with CLI. God bless!

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