Free Online Bible Training In Ministry With CLI

My ministry dream and goals is to restore the lost souls back to God and to give direction to the youth. To pastor and lead them in the fear of God and inculcate into them a life of integrity, standing for the truth always. The word of God has been the final authority over my life and the issues of life and this I must reproduce in others. Since I understood from the bible that for every challenge of life God has already made a way out of it and that He will not allow temptation that is beyond our ability to come our way.”     ~ Free Online Bible Training Student, Adeshola Adeyemo

FROM STORY TO GLORY- Meet CLI Student Preparing With Our Free Online ******* Bible Training *******

Adeshola Adeyemo is my name. I was born and brought up in Lagos, Nigeria where I completed my primary and secondary education before leaving for my degree in the eastern part of my country. I am the third child of eleven. Ours was a Muslim family until my father met Jesus through a health challenge and since we were young then we have to follow him to his new found faith and as a child I was just following my parents to church to fulfill all righteousness.

I am married to a lovely wife and God blessed us with a daughter and three sons. I reside in the city of Warri in Delta State, Nigeria with my family. I am a teacher by profession and teach in a Christian school where I am a role model to my students, because I understood that the Christ we proclaim must first of all be seen in us before we can be able to effectively talk about Him to these students. Students learn more by what they see than what they hear. By the help of the Holy Spirit we have been nurturing them in the fear of God, all the glory to the Lord.

By God’s grace I met the Lord personally in 1993 when I was in the college and my lifestyle changed totally. I became so calm, gentle and above all, I began to enjoy the peace of the Lord. It was the beginning of a new life for me and my hunger to know Christ continues to grow. The doctrine of the church where I gave my life focused more on the punishment rather than the blessings of God. And this portrays God differently from my understanding of Him from my Bible which aroused a desire in me for a search for a church where the word of God is preached wholly and truly. This was a bit difficult since I was still living with my parents, but I was divinely directed by the Holy Spirit in 1999 to the assembly where I worship now and when I got there I knew that is where God wanted me to be.

Though I accepted the Lord in the year 1993, I rededicated my life to Him in 2002 and by His grace He has been helping me to walk with Him. I have attended series of Bible Schools organized by my church and learned more about God and my understanding of the word has been increasing day by day. The biblical teaching during services has been of great help in building my faith in God and putting my trust absolutely in Him because I know He will never share His glory with any man.

God has been confirming His word in my life, He has given me great testimonies and I am a living proof of His awesome wonders. He has saved my soul from untimely death, terrible health challenges, and strange attacks from the pit of hell; indeed He has turned me to a wonder. I can never appreciate His wondrous work upon my life enough. The only true God is a good God.

It is a great opportunity to have free online Bible training with CLI to equip me more for God’s assignment for my life. I have been exposed to new things about the Bible, Essence of Creation, God, Doctrines and Beliefs, Issues on Marriage, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Christian Living, Leadership at home and in ministry, Relating with people, etc. and above all how not to concentrate on the differences in doctrines or beliefs but rely and focus on the truth of the word of God. It is really the act of God for me to have come in contact with CLI’s free online Bible training at a time like this. I can’t appreciate God enough for Christian Leaders Institute because this free online Bible training is going to help me to effectively and efficiently serve God in all ramifications.

My prayer is that God should en-grace me to keep focus on His purpose for my life and that I should continually bring glory and honor to His mighty name for the rest of my life. God should also release His Holy Spirit afresh on me and make me sensitive to the leading of His Spirit to be able to fulfill His purpose for my existence through continuous obedience to His divine leading.

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