Free Online Bible College

Free Online Bible College -Christian Leaders Institute is an free online Bible college that offers over 20 free classes covering a variety of topics. Of course, many traditional Bible colleges now offer distance learning as part of their curriculum. With the growth of technology, it’s imperative that more is done online even by institutions of education. Christian Leaders Institute isn’t just another seminary with an online piece to it. It is an free online Bible college – a Bible college with resources, classes, and assignment submission processes that exist entirely online.

The impact of CLI is often best seen in the reflections of students who have gone through the classes. Sam Arthur’s experience with Sermon Construction and Presentation can best be summed up by the following statement from his reflection paper:Free Online Bible College

My knowledge of the ‘positives’ and the ‘negatives’ of each type of sermon will also guide me to avoid some mistakes that preachers make, especially those who have not been exposed to the knowledge about variety of sermon types. Since I know of the advantages of the various approaches to preaching, I will preach better and have a better impact on the congregation, to the glory of God.

Sam Arthur has already completed several classes at Christian Leaders Institute, and is enrolled in still more for the coming semester. Because Sam lives in Ghana, this training would be difficult for him to obtain without the availability of an online Bible college like CLI. The internet presence of Christian Leaders Institute allows access to people like Sam in any country in the world where internet is available.

Free Online Bible College Keeps Classes Free

Christian Leaders Institute is not just an free online Bible college, it is also free to all students. This is important to many students, since often they come from poor countries, or poor areas of a country, and don’t have the financial means or the time to attend a traditional seminary. The distance learning programs can provide an alternative, but to those overseas where books would not be delivered quickly could experience problems in that regard. Also, it still carries with it the costs of the seminary, which many students cannot afford. This is why Christian Leaders Institute keeps all their classes free. In the introductory class, a 14 session class intended to both offer a basic understanding of Christianity and introduce the user to CLI, Sam Arthur gives some of his reasons for choosing CLI.

Currently I am self-employed and my finances are not in the best of shape. If I could have, I would have paid for and attended the Assemblies of God Bible College in Ghana. I still believe God will help me sort out my finances so I can meet my obligations and continue with the support I used to give when I was in active employment.

Hundreds of other students – leaders who God has called as workers in His harvest – have come to CLI for similar reasons. Many of them are already leading churches. Many are already teaching. Yet they all have one thing in common. They all feel the Spirit of God calling them into the ministry. Without the availability of an free online Bible college and the freedom to give as little or as much as you can afford to the organization, many of these called leaders would continue to preach the word of God without being equipped with the ministry training tools CLI provides.

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