Free Online Bible classes

Are you keen on delving into the depths of the Bible? Have you ever pondered whether free online Bible classes can truly offer valuable knowledge? “Free” is a term that often triggers skepticism. However, let’s shed some light on how high-quality religious education can be available at no cost and who foots the bill.

What do our free online bible classes entail?

What do our free
online bible
classes entail?

The Christian Leaders Institute is a 

conduit to over 150 free bite-sized 

and extensive college-level courses.

Our courses are facilitated by 

accredited educators 

specializing in their respective 



Dr. David Feddes, an esteemed 

graduate of Trinity International 

Seminary, is guiding our faculty. 

Dr. Feddes ensures the development 

of superior biblical courses. 

The Christian Leaders Institute is a conduit to over 150 free bite-sized and extensive college-level courses. Our courses are facilitated by accredited educators specializing in their respective domains.

Dr. David Feddes, an esteemed graduate of Trinity International Seminary, is guiding our faculty. Dr. Feddes ensures the development of superior biblical courses. 

Here’s a peek into some of our course offerings:

This ministerial training course offers a deep dive into the historical writings of the Old Testament, bringing to light God’s interactions with Israel in anticipation of Jesus Christ’s arrival. You’ll also draw applications for contemporary Christian life and preaching.

 Delve into the New Testament’s literary, historical, and theological facets. After completing this course, you will know its key themes and content.

Get an insightful look at the book of Acts, which illustrates the Holy Spirit’s outpouring, the inception of the early church, and the global propagation of the gospel. You will engage with historical context, archeological discoveries, literary analysis, and significant theological themes.

This class presents a thorough study of the general epistles such as James; 1 & 2 Peter; 1, 2, & 3 John; and Jude. You’ll explore their meaning in the original context and their current relevance.

Our comprehensive Bible course portfolio is just a glimpse of the hundreds of options available, including a biblical perspective on core courses, skill courses, theology, ministry, philosophy, and many more.

Who funds these free online bible classes?

Our classes are made possible through generous donations. Our vision partners see the value in offering tuition-free courses to aid Christian leaders! These partners comprise fellow students who appreciate the value of our classes and donate to make these classes accessible to those who might not be able to afford them otherwise.

While students are not obliged to donate, many support the Institute by purchasing credentials, becoming Vision Partners, or buying products from our online store. Our yearly budget is supplemented by Vision Partners, which includes foundations, churches, and individuals. However, please note some of our credential programs might entail fees. 

Click link to Learn more about the Study of Ministry

How Can
you use
these free

The Christian Leaders Institute opens the door to an array of exciting programs. These classes can be utilized for obtaining awards, college credentials and clergy recognition. Awards Earn recognition for your diligent study in specific topics with Christian Leaders Awards, with over 30 levels available.

How Can you
use these
free online
bible classes?

How can you use
these free online
bible classes?

The Christian Leaders Institute opens the door to

an array of exciting programs. These classes can

be utilized for obtaining awards, college credentials,

and clergy recognition. Awards Earn recognition 

for your diligent study in specific topics with Christian

Leaders Awards, with over 30 levels available.

Additional Award Topics:

These ministry awards recognize your study accomplishment in many areas of ministry, including essential, intermediate, and advanced standing. There is a small fee if you want us to send you an official embossed award.

These Chaplaincy awards are beneficial if you are called to community chaplaincy in local care facilities and community services.

Are you interested in being bi-vocational? These awards recognize your ministryBiz study accomplishment.

Are you interested in being a Life Coach Minister? These awards offer exciting recognition levels if you see yourself as a Christian Life Coach! Click here.

These awards give you recognition for your matchmaking studies. Click here.

College credentials

Our college-level free online Bible classes can be transferred into CLI’s Leadership Excellence School, which grants certificate, diploma, and degree-level recognition. CLI is recognized by many accredited colleges for master-level studies. CLI’s Leadership Excellence School has applicant status with the ABHE. This means you can be accepted for master-level studies by many accredited colleges. Click here.

Clergy recognition

Many of our free online Bible classes can be applied towards clergy recognition at the Christian Leaders Alliance, offering a comprehensive program of licensing and ordination options.

Licensing Clergy Progam – Click Here

Ordination Clergy Program – Click Here

CLI started offering free online classes in 2006 with just six students. Since then, these free classes have benefited over 675,000 students from more than 195 countries.

next steps

Register for a free study account that automatically enrolls you in the Christian Leaders Getting Started Course that explains all the programs of Christian Leaders.

Notice: You may even skip the getting started class

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