Free Music Ministry Training: Answering the Call
Free Music Ministry Training
Join today and receive free music ministry training. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who found CLI and is using the free music ministry training to answer his call from God. CLI even offers courses on worship ministry!
Hi! My name is Justin M Scott, father of my daughter Ali and husband to my wife Desire and I am on a mission! I am not sure where or what exactly, but I do know it starts here with getting some extra education. I believe God has called me to go out and teach others about the Gospel. I am not exactly sure what that looks yet but I will be obedient to His call and His purpose to spread the Gospel and make disciples and plant churches. That is also a part of my church’s mission, vision, and values at Reverb Church.
At Reverb Church, I have been volunteering in the music ministry pretty much since the church was planted, about 5 years ago. I have learned so much about music in these short 5 years that it makes me wonder what I learned the other 15 before I started using my gift for God. God is really showing me what I can do to reach people through music, so much so, that I have started a youtube channel and a Facebook page. They are in the beginning stages and God has not really shown me what my next step is but I believe that taking these classes here at CLI will be the breakthrough to what God is going to do with me and my gift.
I can’t wait to learn more about God here at CLI and most importantly I can’t wait to use what I’ve learned to help the lost find God or even help the confused know the truth. My desire for God’s word and its meaning was inspired by a man I met who had a gift of interpretation. His teaching has impacted my spiritual walk so much that I can’t seem to feed the hunger for the word since he stopped teaching. Hopefully, through the mentors at CLI, I will be fed once again and be filled up so that I can go out and feed others.–q5VFQNQ
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