Free Ministry Training and Ordination

Free Ministry Training at CLI and Ordination at CLA

Hello, my name is Melanie Ciccolella, and I am receiving free ministry training at CLI and ordination at CLA. My journey began on the 25th of November in 1958, in New Providence, the Bahamas. My wonderful mother birthed me, and my father blessed me with the name – Melonie Ann Moncur. I would be the last of five surviving children and forever branded the baby of the family, even to this day.

My Early Years

My first years were utterly free of any cares. As I entered my teen years, my most active memory is of listening to my mother sing. She had a voice that sounded as if tiny bells were ringing. A heavenly voice, it was indeed, but though I loved her voice, it annoyed me to no end that her constant ‘go-to’ songs were hymns. Whenever Mom would start singing, my gut reaction would be: “Here we go again!” Of course, outwardly, I did not dare disrespect my mother. Now, I find that I have become like my mother. Yessir! I praise God in song daily! Now, my kids do the complaining regarding my choice of songs that are more often than not, praise and worship songs.

Before my twenty-first birthday, I found myself married and residing in a new land. Life was exciting. I took many paths, including obtaining a Meisterbrief (Master Diploma) in cosmetology. It led me to self-employment and an even stronger feeling of independence. I relegated God to a quiet spot in my periphery for many years.

Renewed Relationship with God

However, with time and life happening, I began to check in with Him more and more. Then the fateful day came in 1998 when my earthly father took his last breath. I returned to my home for his internment, and God became an evident presence. He was now front and center and the focal point of my life. During this period, I felt called by God to begin pastoral work. But, I did not. My heart was with God, but my mind was in ‘life.’ I had significant growth to do.

Fast forward to 2015, I got the ‘nudge’ again from God to begin His work. I gave him the same spiel of not having funds, etc. At that point, God did a new thing. His response was: “Step Out In Faith.” When He spoke like this, I got knowledge, wisdom, and understanding simultaneously. Underscore that entire sentence because it was clear that He wanted me to be obedient. Wow! My response was something to the tune of: “Okay, God, if you put it that way, I guess I can think of something.”

Called to Free Ministry Training at CLI and Ordination with CLA

This command began a walk down a powerful path of building a relationship with Yehoshua, which brings me to this current place and time. I know that I should be seeking ordination; I have always known. One of my two actual excuses was insufficient funds. I stumbled upon the Christian Leaders Institute information in 2017. However, I got distracted to the point where I had no recollection of having signed up for this opportunity.

Now, in 2020, after the storm Dorian, I again stumbled upon the CLI information and attempted to sign up. To my surprise, my name was already in the system. Ergo, in a nutshell, here I am, Lord – send me! I am finally following through with what God instructed me to do. I can get ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance as well. Thank you, CLI, for this free ministry training and ordination opportunity!

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