Free Ministry Training and Opportunities

Free Ministry Training at Christian Leaders Institute

Hello! My name is Rey Neuenschwander, and the free ministry training and opportunities at CLI are a blessing! I live with my wife and three beautiful children in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. I have been involved in the ministry of the local church for well over ten years now. Primarily, it has been in volunteer roles but also on staff as a worship pastor and behind the scenes as a facilities coordinator. I have an MDiv from Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University and BA in Ministry from Nazarene Bible College.

My Youth and Coming to God

I did not grow up in the church. My parents divorced when I was very young, neither went to church. My mother was hostile toward the Christian faith. In many ways, it was just me and my younger brother growing up. My father was aging, and my mother abandoned us for drugs and alcohol when I was in middle school. The only time I heard about Jesus was when an evangelist would come to the house or stop me and my friends at the park. The Truth of the Gospel that God planted in me from these individuals took root during my senior year of high school. It was after the sudden and tragic death of a close friend.

Shortly after I accepted Jesus as my Savior, I met my future wife, who grew up in the faith and whose parents had served in the mission field. When we became serious, she recommended we attend a church together. So, it was at that church, a Methodist church, I was discipled and baptized.

Called to Serve and Study at CLI

The military has always been close to my heart. I never served, but my father, brother, and all three of my brothers-in-law have served or are currently serving. I participated in Army JROTC in High School, and many of those lessons stay with me to this day. God has placed a call on my life to ministry to our military men and women as an Army Reserve Chaplain. I believe that God has asked me to put down roots in this area so that my family can grow in a stable atmosphere. Then, my wife and I can serve our local church. The Reserve will allow me to accomplish all that God has called me to in this season of my life.

The Christian Leaders Institute is instrumental in accomplishing this call because of the free ministry training and opportunities it offers. I am excited about becoming an ordained minister and for all the many courses that CLI offers at no cost. For a father of three working full time who already has student loan debt, the manner and method of CLI are vital to me. I will take full advantage of every learning opportunity and look forward to the day when I will be able to contribute to this wonderful ministry!

Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.


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