free ministry program

“CLI’s free ministry program is so important to me as financial requirements are very difficult to meet through most all ministry programs. I would be very humbled and grateful to God to be able to partake in this amazing ministry opportunity and would fully commit myself to learning all that I can to becoming someone who would share the gospel with others and help in bringing souls to the Lord. Thank you and God bless.”          – Joseph Maldonado, student of CLI’s free ministry program

Free Ministry Program- No Other Religion

Hello, my name is Joseph Maldonado. I live in the United States, in the Denver/Boulder Colorado area. My goal is to become a Pastor some day and lead my own ministry for Jesus Christ. I grew up in the faith but as a teenager I started trusting in man’s word instead of God’s Word. I put my faith in what so called friends were telling me about God and religion.

I started studying all kinds of worldly religions, basically looking for ways to disprove the bible because I wanted to justify the ungodly lifestyle that I was partaking in. I had a big wake up call when one of my most trusted friends started to discourage the little bit of faith that I still held onto, by trying to convince me that satanism was totally normal and justifiable. This was someone I had trusted and looked for confirmation on many of life matters. I was disappointed but soon realized that God had actually used him to open my eyes to the truth… That I was putting my faith in men instead of trusting in the Lord.

At first I was confused and asked God why he would allow me to grow close to someone who was deceiving me. I realized that it was him using someone to re-affirm his amazing glory and that is what gave me the confirmation I had been searching for my entire life. I now have no doubt of Him, his sacrifice and of His amazing love and message through his Word. I used to have so many doubts but they are all gone now.

My dream is to bring many people to the Lord during these turbulent times that we are in. I want to be used by God to start a revival in this nation and bring as many souls as possible to the Lord. I see myself as an Evangelist. Some of the challenges I’ve noticed are that many Christians in this country are blinded into thinking they are safe from God’s wrath and immune to suffering. There is also much persecution against true Christians that denounce all of the worldly influences due to the so called equality of wicked sinful lifestyles that are condoned in this nation.

My grandmother and father have been huge influences on my faith in Christ. My wife as well in recent years. They are very supportive and share the same essential beliefs in the gospel. Please pray for me to grow strong in the Lord and to cast out all evil spirits that have oppressed me in the past due to my weaknesses that I had fed into for so many years. Please pray that all fleshly and worldly desires are drowned out by God in my spiritual walk with Jesus Christ.

Now that I’ve decided to commit my life to God is when I have faced some of the worst attacks by Satan. I am in need of prayer for me to stay on track with on my journey towards growing to become a servant of the Lord. CLI’s free ministry program is so important to me as financial requirements are very difficult to meet through most all ministry programs. I am very humbled and grateful to God to be able to partake in this amazing free ministry program opportunity and fully commit myself to learning all that I can to becoming someone who would share the gospel with others and help in bringing souls to the Lord. Thank you and God bless.

Train! Teach! Preach! And Evangelize! To enroll in CLI’s free ministry program, click here! No matter how dark your past may look. No matter how easy or difficult your life has been. God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called. Join us today! God bless.

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