Free Ministry Education

Christian Leaders Institute offers free ministry education for any individual desiring to study Christ. Read about a student’s testimony to how she was found to CLI and how Christian Leaders Institute has impacted her life:

My name is Chelsea Roberson and I am 21 years old. I currently live in North Carolina in the United States of America. I am immensely blessed to be able to study God’s word freely and practice my faith in the open. Ministry in this country is relatively easy depending on who you ask. I am beginning to see a shift, however, with the state beginning to turn more towards the world than to Jesus. I am determined to use the free ministry education I receive at Christian Leaders Institute to help reverse this shift. 

For the first 14 years of my life, I did not grow up with Christ in my life. I grew up in an abusive home without God. In fact, the only access to information I had about God was that He was horrible and mean if He was real, but He was most likely not. However, after my father went to jail and become very ill, my mother met an incredible man I now call my step-father. He began taking my brother and I to church against our will (of course) and the Lord began a work in my heart. He began to draw me in until I had a spoken word over my life. I was saved that night and gave in to Jesus the only way I knew how. I am still always in the sanctification process, but I am in love with my Savior who I know is good. Ever since that moment, the Holy Spirit has pursued me in ways I never thought myself worthy of.

My dream moving forward would be to become a leader in a Celebrate Recovery near me. I have recently fallen in love with this ministry and what it stands for. It is a safe place for broken Christians. It is what church was always meant to be. It is the hospital for the sinner and saint alike. We are all broken and stained, but the blood of Jesus makes us white as snow. I don’t know what that looks like moving forward but I know that I have never been more passionate about anything in my life. I suppose the word that comes to mind in reference to this dream would be an evangelist. I want everyone to know how loved they are and how much they are desired by our Savior. They were/are worth dying for and they were/are worth pursuing.

I remember the very moment I was called to ministry. Our local pastor asked all ministers in the congregation to raise their hands. Only about 2 hands were raised. Then, he quoted Mark 16:15. The Holy Spirit fell on me. I felt burning from head to toe. That was it. Jesus calls ALL believers to go into all of the world and preach the good news! Why had no one ever told me this before? From that moment on, I have been in full pursuit of what that word ministry means to me in my walk. God hasn’t failed me yet. In fact, this program is an answer to my prayers. This is the next step in my studies and in my walk.

Thank you for what you are doing for us and for providing in ways that I couldn’t provide for myself! This scholarship to me means ministry. It means a dream come true. It means an answered prayer. It means salvation. It means education. It means joy.

Check out more stories about students becoming a revival leaders of Christianity through CLI’s free ministry education on the CLI Facebook page

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