Free Ministry Courses Online

My Journey to Free Ministry Courses Online

My name is Tyler Nurse, and I am taking free ministry courses online at CLI. I am a veteran of the United States Air Force and served as a Security Forces Airman stationed in Florida. I am from North Carolina and moved back here with my lovely wife, Scarlet. Currently, we live here with our two amazing little boys. Our oldest is three, and our baby was just born at the end of the summer. God has answered our prayers. Our children are great blessings from the Lord.

Life Changes

My transition out of the military was a difficult time for my family. My wife has been able to better support me and our children by taking classes at Christian Leaders Institute. The many things she has learned at CLI helped strengthen and equip our family and our marriage to better transition back to civilian life.

After about a year of college, I have gone back to working in the HVAC field. There I have the opportunity to encourage and support people daily as I go out to their homes. I help them get their HVAC equipment maintained, replaced, or repaired. CLI has helped me see the everyday opportunities to share the light and love of Jesus Christ as I encourage others in my work.

New Direction with Free Ministry Courses Online at CLI

After a couple of years of transitioning back to normal, I feel confident that God is calling me into ministry. I am not sure exactly what that mission will be. However, the free ministry courses at Christan Leaders Institute make all the difference in the world. CLI allows me to study in my free time, grow in my walk with God, lead my family in their walks with God, and also prepare for the next steps God has for me.

After my wife and I receive more free ministry training at CLI, we would love to plant a church or help others plant churches. We feel called to help others, including military and veteran families who are struggling and transitioning.

Ministry Opportunities

Recently, we helped a godly friend and devoted pastor to build an online church. That ministry, over time, transitioned into a prison ministry. Currently, we are looking for the next assignment God has for us since the pastor no longer needs our help. We continue to pray for his ministry as God has blessed him with a full-time position as a pastor in a local church here.

We also served as volunteers at a local church and saw many people come to know Christ and receive baptism, including my younger brother. His salvation has been the greatest reward. I am so blessed to get to see him actively involved in church and his youth group after coming to Christ at the age of 15.

Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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