Free Ministry Courses

Free Ministry Courses

I am Tiffany Velasquez and I am taking free ministry courses at Christian Leaders Institute. I was born in Monterey, California to two amazing yet completely different parents. My father was a devout Catholic and my mother was a Buddhist/Christian (if there is such a thing). When I was 3 years old, my parents moved to Sacramento where my maternal grandparents lived. My grandparents were my rock as well as my parents. In 1987, when I was 4, my parents divorced. My father moved to his native state of Maryland and my mother and I stayed in Sacramento. I was heartbroken. As a small child, I was my mother’s support and rock as I took on the role of my mother’s mother.

From a young age, I knew the Lord. He spoke to me. My family gave me Bible story books and the Bible to read. I learned to read at an adult level at the age of 3, so reading books was a part of my daily life. Knowing that Jesus loved me and His Father created me before I was born made me love God and want to know more. The Lord revealed himself to me more and more. Jesus protected me from drowning in a swimming pool by talking to me and allowing me to breathe underwater. He protected me from being sexually assaulted by one of my mother’s “friends”. He revealed Himself to me my entire life. I fell in love with Jesus and Jehovah early. I have been surrounded by people of the faith my entire life. It has protected me. God has saved and preserved my life too many times to count. God has given me healing hands, strength out of this world, and love that I didn’t receive from friends and family.

I desire to live for the Lord. His influence on my life has brought many people to Christ because they see Him working in my life. People have seen how he has healed me. People have seen the many blessings bestowed on me from just loving the Lord.

I was blessed with a child in 2016 when I was 33 years old. It was hard taking care of a newborn all alone, but I did it. I worked full time and had my baby full time. God was definitely at my side. During that time I was misdiagnosed with a blood disorder called Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP). My blood platelets began to drop as well as my hemoglobin causing me to need several transfusions of blood and platelets. I nearly died. We recently found out I, in fact, didn’t have ITP. I was diagnosed with the rarest form of cancer, Histiocytic Sarcoma. There are 200 documented cases before me. I’m fighting for my life. God has been by my side keeping me alive this entire time.

His Love is amazing. I want to proclaim and share that love with the world. I want to share the Gospel and teach who Jesus is. I’m blessed to have found the Christian Leaders Institute for free ministry courses. I have faith that I’ll be alive long enough to complete each course. With my degree, I’ll be more credible as a Christian leader. I look forward to serving God and representing Jesus. With Him, all things are possible.

Learn about minister ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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