Free Minister Education

Free Minister Education

My name is Dustin Vargo from the United States of America. I am receiving free minister education at CLI. The church was a regular part of my childhood years, thanks to my faithful grandparents. The good news of Jesus pierced my heart when I was a young man in middle school. God touched my heart while attending a youth meeting on a Wednesday night. I vividly remember hearing the gospel explained for the first time to me and it actually resonated in my soul. I remember being presented with a choice to accept and follow Jesus. With soft music playing in the background, I knelt at the folding chair I had been sitting on, rested my arms on the cold metal, and invited God into my life.

Several years went by, and I had never told anyone of my experience! Because of this, I had no support and no chance of deep spiritual roots. It was in November of 1999 that I heard the gospel loud and clear during a church worship service and rededicated my life to the Lord publicly. Since then, there have been times of nearness to God and times of wandering in the desert. I know that through it all, He has been with me always loving me and always compelling me. All I know now is that I can do nothing but serve Him and answer His call on my life to minister to a lost, hurting, and dark world.

I am thankful that I found Christian Leaders Institute while searching online for free minister education. This opportunity at Christian Leaders Institute will help me to grow in my walk with God on a daily basis. I also want to learn about what it means to serve the Lord through my ministry call.

Learn about ecuministry minister ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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