
Free Life Skills Class – Become a Stronger and Healthier You 

by Professor: Dr. David Feddes

You are part of God’s special operations. Your mission is to reclaim the world for Christ. You have been saved and called to help. This class is about helping you to become a stronger and healthier you. This free life skills class is perfect for living a more confident and healthy life!

This free life skills class gives you Biblical insights and practical knowledge that make you stronger for your mission. Each topic is applied to your spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual, emotional, relational, and vocational dimensions of life.

Dr. David Feddes will bring you through the crucial areas of total fitness for you to thrive in leading others.

You will Learn and Grow in this free life skills class 

  1. Total fitness: hear God’s call to embrace practical wisdom and discipline for strengthening the whole person.
  2. Spiritual fitness: draw near to God and stand stronger against Satan through spiritual disciplines.
  3. Physical fitness: know why the body matters to God, improve bodily health, and use body language well.
  4. Financial fitness: earn a good living, escape debt, build wealth, honor God and bless others with money.
  5. Intellectual fitness: build healthy curiosity, sharp thinking, lifelong study, and courage to stand for truth,
  6. Emotional fitness: learn to face feelings honestly and discover God working through emotions.
  7. Relational fitness: heal from past relational wrongs and wounds, and interact with others in a wise and godly manner
  8. Vocational fitness: pursue God’s calling for job, career, and other tasks.

You are welcome to take this free life skills Class supported by generous vision partners. These vision partners include blessed Christian Leaders Institute Graduates, Kingdom-minded Christians and Foundations, and others.

Begin your free life skills course now! You will begin by taking a Getting Started Orientation class. Then you are encouraged to enroll in the Christian Leaders Connection Class which helps you get situated at Christian Leaders Institute. You are also free to immediately take this Total Fitness class by Dr. David Feddes.

Other Opportunities:

More Ministry Training Classes and Programs -These Ministry training programs will fuel your calling and increase your impact. Gather digital mission credentials or order official awards. These credentials are perfect for local ministry opportunities and ordination.

Ordination – Completing free classes opens you up to an ordination opportunity that is both locally and globally recognized with the Christian Leaders Alliance. Check out how you can become an Ordained Christian Leader. Low fees apply for ordination packages.

College Degree –  Earn your College Degree – Use your Christian Leaders Institute free classes for collegiate credentials. Earn certificates, diplomas and degrees. Low administration fees apply.

Ministry calling: Chrison Feliciano

Ministry Calling: Chrision Felicano has a Ministry Calling in his life. Chrison comes from a family that has experience a Ministry Calling. He starts by talking about his journey and Ministry Calling.

“I’m Chrison S. Feliciano, 22 years of age from the Philippines. Basically, I grew up attending an independent evangelical methodist church. It’s the first self-supporting church in our country since 1909. Having no support from foreign missionaries, it’s financially unstable. By the way it looks, it’s really tough being a Pastor. Some of my uncles are Pastors and I know what they’ve been through just to meet the needs of their family. Some sell coconut juice, some do cleaning jobs, and some I know work as an assistant to the bus driver. That’s the reason why I’m having doubts as a kid in entering the ministry. It’s my fault to have a “bad-eye” on those things. I wasn’t able to see beyond their sacrifices. It’s really their joy everytime they do the will of God. Financially, they don’t have much here on earth, but in heaven they sure do.”

Ministry Calling from his youth

“Growing up, I spent most of my weekends at church. So it’s more of like an extension playground for me back then. Every Summer, I used to attend our church’s DVBS (Daily Vacation Bible School). It’s a week-long event that I’m always looking forward to each year, and also where a graduation ceremony is held at the end of the week. I felt so blessed receiving awards from our “mini” and “short-coursed” Bible school which also gives me thousand-fold happiness compared to having an award from my alma mater.”
As a child, Chrison has different plans and avoided Ministry Calling.
“As a kid, I always dreamt of becoming a physician. And there’s this particular moment of my life that really etched my heart. If asked of my aspiration when I grow up, I used to answer people with head held high that I want to be a doctor. But while attending Sunday school class, our deaconess asked me the same question and I replied, “Of course, I want to be a doctor! Oh wait, and a PASTOR as well at the same time.” I didn’t know what happened to me but it just came out of my mouth, so I just shrugged off the idea.”
As Chrison got older, he felt a strong Ministry Calling.
“Yet during my teenage years, I felt the presence of God working within me. Later, I became a Cell group Leader. I was always asked “Do you want to be a Pastor?” And my response would usually be no because I know how hard it is financially to be a Pastor here in our country. However, whenever I say “no,” there’s something pushing me to answer “yes”.”

Chrison had to be sure it was a true Ministry Calling.

“One day, I talked to God and asked Him if we can have a deal. Here’s the  catch then, I asked “Lord, if 5 people will tell me to serve you by being in the ministry, then I’ll do it. “Eventually,  years passed and I lost count of how many times I heard them persuading me to be in the ministry. They grew from 5 persons then the number doubled and so on and so forth.”
His Father made a compelling example for a Ministry Calling.
“On July 12, 2008, my Dad died of brain tumor which caused me to be extremely devastated. We had a simple, happy, and contented family with God at the center. I asked God of why He let this happen. At the back of mind, I thought I’m doing my best to follow and serve Him yet He allowed this to happen to me. I felt completely heartbroken and cheated. I even became mad at God! I saw how my dad reads the Bible every single day and how he shares the Word with our neighbors through His life. He would always tell me that it’s not how many Bible verses or stories you know that matter; it’s how you apply it in your everyday life; it’s how you surrender to the sovereignty of God’s authority.”

Chrison felt dispair about his ministry Calling at first.

“Through these trying times, I kept on praying to God but I wasn’t able to hear anything from Him. I dug deeper to His word and finally found comfort and unexplainable joy. I felt complete again realizing that God took my earthly dad because I’m focusing too much of my attention on him. Instead, God wanted me to focus on my eternal Heavenly DAD.”
Chrison is joyful in sharing his Ministry Calling.
“So I did start speaking and preaching the Gospel with my fellow youths inside and outside of the church which enabled me to strengthen my faith immeasurably. And being part of the music ministry, every opportunity that I’m able to serve our Lord Jesus Christ through music or preaching satisfies my soul, and quenches my thirst of making Jesus smile. My dream is to have a ministry focusing on the younger generation and reaching them through music. I want to have a deeper connection with the Lord. Walking side by side with Him every single day of my life.”
With his Ministry calling and training, he will share the word to anyone who will listen.
“If ever given a chance, having a scholarship from CLI will help me abundantly to fulfill my calling without giving my family a financial burden. I’ll be able to share the Gospel with boldness because I know for a fact that God loves me so much and I’ll be well-equipped with the help of your institution. I appreciate your prayers as I turn another chapter of my life being in the ministry. With God’s grace and mercy, I know I can make it through because I’m serving an unlimited God. Nothing is impossible for Him!”

Chrison has completed the Christian Basics Certificate. He continues to pursue his Ministry Calling and education thanks to generous donors of Christian Leaders Institute.

Make a donation now to help Chrison Feliciano and thousands more like him get a high quality Bible school training free. Donate now!

Womens Ministry - Jacquelyn Bjorkman of USA

Womens Ministry: Jacquelyn loves being a part of Womens Ministry. You can see right from the start that Womens Ministry is her passion.

“I live in the United States. Being a part of Womens Ministry in U.S has been wonderful.   There are so many women seeking a closer relationship with the Lord and are working to better themselves as mothers and wives.”

She knows she is being called to support and participate in Womens Ministry. She continues by sharing her dream.

“My ministry dream is to love, support, and encourage wives and mothers in this challenging world. I want to be a part of instilling in women that the joy and fulfillment that the Lord promises in His word is real and wonderful. I hope to share with women that the lies the world confuses us into thinking we should strive for is false and that following the Holy Spirits guidance we can enjoy and flourish as purposeful wives and mothers.  I desire to share with women that serving our families in our home is a gift, not a sacrifice.”

The only way for her to get education for Womens Ministry is through Christian Leaders Institute

“As a stay at home, homeschooling mama, we are a one income family living in Orange County, California.  I have felt the Lord pressing me to further my education in ministry.  I want to be the best I can be for the kingdom of God. CLI would make it possible for me to pursue that dream. There is no possible way financially I could get the education CLI provides except through a scholarship.”

Prayer is needed for her success with Womens Ministry.

“Please pray that I can be the woman the Lord desires for me to be and that I can grow into the Proverbs 31 women the Lord has called me to be. I also ask for protection, patience and humility as I seek His plan for my life.”

Jacquelyn has completed the Christian Basics Certificate. She continues to progress with her eduction for Womens Ministry  thanks donors of Christian Leaders Institute.

Make a donation now to help Denise Anderson and thousands more like her get a high quality Bible school training free. Donate now!

Youth Pastor: Gary Jung

Youth Pastor: Gary Jung has a passion for serving the youth of his area. He knows being a Youth Pastor is the best way to impact their lives. He starts by giving us a background about himself and his journey to becoming a Youth Pastor.

“My name is Gary Jung. I live, work, and serve in the San Francisco Bay Area of Northern California. Our community is very focused on material things and few show an interest in spiritual things or learning about the Lord. Although many believe in God, most find him irrelevant to their lives. Our task is to shine the light of Jesus in the darkness that envelopes our city.”

Gary’s journey to becoming a Youth Pastor began by growing up in a Christian home.

“I was born and raised in a God-fearing home by loving parents. Attending church weekly as a child I came to understand about spiritual truths but I never owned them or made them my own. As I grew to be a teenager I sensed that something was missing in my life. I tried to fill the void I sensed with many things including drugs. Little did I understand how close I was to the truth all that time.”

Gary didn’t want to live a Christian life and become a Youth Pastor at first.

“I thought I had concealed my drug usage pretty well. One Wednesday night when I went with the church youth group to a family’s home, I stayed outside and hung out with the bus driver. He looked me straight in the eye and told me he knew that I was doing drugs and that if I kept it up it would kill me. He spoke of God’s love for me and my need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. These were words I had heard many times before but suddenly they took on new meaning. A week later I was with my friends doing drugs when I put this newly discovered knowledge to the test. I said, “God if you are real, show yourself to me.” Little did I know that he would answer. Immediately I came down from the LSD trip I was on stone sober. It scared me but I knew I had my answer from God. I fell to my knees and gave my life to Jesus.”

Gary accepted the Lord into his life and the road to becoming a Youth Pastor.

“From that moment a peace descended upon my heart and I knew the reality of a relationship with God. I sought to share this new powerful truth with my drug friends but they were not interested and wanted nothing to do with me. I re-established my friendships with those at church and found a new meaning and purpose in my life.”

Touched by his own personal struggle in his youth, Gary knew being a Youth Pastor was the path to take.

“Since that day I have served the Lord. Beginning with leading a youth Bible study, my path has led me to become an intern at a Christian servicemen’s center, a college and music minister, an associate pastor, a senior pastor, a Bible college professor, and a teacher at a private Christian high school.”

Gary wants to mentor youth and create programs as a Youth Pastor.

“As co-pastor of a small church, my dream is to spend the remaining time the Lord gives me to minister to make the maximum impact on the next generations by mentoring and equipping young people to serve the Lord in ministry. I envision a group of young men and women making a commitment to be trained and using Christian Leaders Institute as the vehicle. Mentoring a group through the training process would allow my ministry to multiply and continue bearing fruit long after my part is finished.”

Christian Leaders Institute is the way for Gary to become a Youth Pastor.

“None of this can happen without funding. My resources are limited and without scholarship assistance this dream will not come to pass. Please pray for the Lord to open hearts to hear His call to minister; and strength, wisdom and courage for those who need to answer the call. The field is white and the laborers are few.”

Gary has completed the Christian Basics Certificate. He continues to expand his education for becoming a Youth Pastor thanks to generous donors of Christian Leaders Institute.

Make a donation now to help Gary Jung and thousands more like him get a high quality Bible school training free. Donate now!