Free Life Skills Class – Become a Stronger and Healthier You
by Professor: Dr. David Feddes
You are part of God’s special operations. Your mission is to reclaim the world for Christ. You have been saved and called to help. This class is about helping you to become a stronger and healthier you. This free life skills class is perfect for living a more confident and healthy life!
This free life skills class gives you Biblical insights and practical knowledge that make you stronger for your mission. Each topic is applied to your spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual, emotional, relational, and vocational dimensions of life.
Dr. David Feddes will bring you through the crucial areas of total fitness for you to thrive in leading others.
You will Learn and Grow in this free life skills class
- Total fitness: hear God’s call to embrace practical wisdom and discipline for strengthening the whole person.
- Spiritual fitness: draw near to God and stand stronger against Satan through spiritual disciplines.
- Physical fitness: know why the body matters to God, improve bodily health, and use body language well.
- Financial fitness: earn a good living, escape debt, build wealth, honor God and bless others with money.
- Intellectual fitness: build healthy curiosity, sharp thinking, lifelong study, and courage to stand for truth,
- Emotional fitness: learn to face feelings honestly and discover God working through emotions.
- Relational fitness: heal from past relational wrongs and wounds, and interact with others in a wise and godly manner
- Vocational fitness: pursue God’s calling for job, career, and other tasks.
You are welcome to take this free life skills Class supported by generous vision partners. These vision partners include blessed Christian Leaders Institute Graduates, Kingdom-minded Christians and Foundations, and others.
Begin your free life skills course now! You will begin by taking a Getting Started Orientation class. Then you are encouraged to enroll in the Christian Leaders Connection Class which helps you get situated at Christian Leaders Institute. You are also free to immediately take this Total Fitness class by Dr. David Feddes.
Other Opportunities:
More Ministry Training Classes and Programs -These Ministry training programs will fuel your calling and increase your impact. Gather digital mission credentials or order official awards. These credentials are perfect for local ministry opportunities and ordination.
Ordination – Completing free classes opens you up to an ordination opportunity that is both locally and globally recognized with the Christian Leaders Alliance. Check out how you can become an Ordained Christian Leader. Low fees apply for ordination packages.
College Degree – Earn your College Degree – Use your Christian Leaders Institute free classes for collegiate credentials. Earn certificates, diplomas and degrees. Low administration fees apply.

Check out Betche Tabilid’s blog at
Christian Leaders Institute offers a high quality Thailand Bible School online. Called leaders from Thailand can access over 22 Bible Training classes.
Betche Tabilid, One of the First Students in the Thailand Bible School
I was raised up to a Christian family since my mom is a Born Again Christian. I knew the LORD even I was still young. I usually talked to God in prayers and I started to read the Bible everyday.After a couple of years after, I began to understand the importance of having an intimate relationship with God.I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. Right after the baptism of water, I had such joy! I was on fire in gathering the children and telling them the word of God. It was really a wonderful experience that I won’t ever forget in my entire life!
Currently, I am in the country that God allowed me to be in. Thailand is now my second mission field. Honestly, I was in Cambodia for 2 years yet God closed it and allowed me to be here. Just like in Cambodia, Thailand needs spiritual awakening! As His servant, I simply do the task that He wants me to do here. I am actually teaching the Thai kids at the Thai church voluntarily. Teaching ministry is just one of the ways to reach people for Christ. Since I am a teacher by profession, I would like to use it for His glory.
Well, we only have to stay for two years in the mission field before we could go back to our beloved country. I have 1 year and 8 months left. I believed that God prepared everything for me already. Let’s see if God wants me to be back home after my two years mission term here or if he wants me to go the extra mile. Whatever it is, His will be done. My desire is to really share the good news with everyone all over the world. After my mission term here in Thailand, I don’t know what the next step will be. However, I believe that God will bring me to the place where He would like me to be.
Now, getting to know more about God in my life is indeed vital as I continue to live by faith. It was almost two weeks ago that I searched for a Christian online course for free so I could further enhance my personal walk with God through studying His word. Then, I came across with this Christian Leaders Institute. I found this institute relevant to my daily walk with God here in the mission field. Availing the CLI scholarship will be a great help in reaching my ministry dream.
Please help me pray for God’s wisdom and guidance as well as for the boldness in sharing the word of God to everyone here!
Thank you so much for your prayers and concerns!
God bless you!
I am a teacher by profession and a servant of God at heart. I was working as an ESL teacher before but I quit just to follow the call. I don’t have anything except for one thing. This makes me have everything. This is having Jesus into my life! What I have now is all by God’s grace. I remember that I did long to be a missionary when I was young. I am raised up into a Christian home since my mom is a Born Again Christian but my dad was not. My mom brought me to the church, where I learned to memorize the Scripture verses. The first memory verse was, Ephesians 6:1″Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.” I was 3 years old when I memorized it. But I did not understand clearly of how important to stand firm in the word of God. I am the eldest daughter and I have 5 younger sisters. I have one older brother and one younger brother. For almost 25 years, my mom did not have a job. She is just a plain housewife while my dad died on December 16, 1997. My mom wanted me to stop studying, yet I did not want to. So, I asked God to help me with my study. The fact is, we are such a big family without a dad and our mom didn’t have any work. Who will be there for us? My mom was thinking of sending us to Department of Social Welfare and Development so the government would take care of us, yet we would have been taken away from my mom. Finally, she failed to do such. Furthermore, we were separated. My sister was living with my authority in Mindanao, that’s other island in Philippines. My older brother has to stop from studying just to work for us. On the other hand, I asked God’s help regarding my study. While I may not blessed financially, He blessed me intellectually! With His help, I was able to finish Bachelor of Elementary Education. For 2 years I was in my first mission field, Cambodia. Furthermore, God changed my mission field. I am currently here in Bangkok, Thailand. I still have to stay here for 2 years before I will be back in Philippines. But I actually promise God that I will be in the mission field for 5 years as I used my profession for His glory. Long before, I really would like to be in the Bible School yet my mom did not want me to. So, I asked God what course He would like me to have. Preaching is like teaching, Jesus is also a teacher. Then, I asked God to allow me to pass the interview and exam. God did it for me. So, I became a scholar and successfully finished my profession. God is indeed awesome!
One of my dreams is to really be in the mission field. When I was in the missionary training center and we had to decide what country we would like to be with. The countries I would like to be with were China, India and Africa. Unfortunately, the doors were closed that time. One night in the missionary training center, I talked to God. I told Him that if He would like me to be in Cambodia then He will tell my co-missionary in a dream since I don’t want to tell her that I would like to be in Cambodia. So, in the morning my co-missionary asked me if I would like to be in Cambodia with her. Honestly, when she said I already had an idea that God told her something yet she didn’t tell me about it. Then, the time has come that I had to leave my beloved country for the mission field. Prior to that I asked lots of things from God and He gave each one of them. One of the things I asked from Him was getting to Thailand before going to the mission field. I didn’t know that time that there is no direct flight from Philippines to Cambodia. It was just so amazing the my flight was from Philippines to Thailand. I was really wondering about it, then God reminded me of the prayer I had. I just told Him that I would like to be in Thailand even just in the airport yet God will always give more than we ask for. I did stay in Thailand for 3 nights and 2 days. One of those times, I talked to God and said that I will be back in Thailand to work for His glory. Indeed, before I went back to Philippines, the missionary director told me that I have to close every connection I had since I am not coming back to Cambodia as soon as I will be back in the mission field. I will be in Thailand. I didn’t argue with it since I already knew that it’s a part of God’s plan for me to be here in Thailand. Well, I got a year left then after my 2 years mission term. I asked God that I would like to work with others in the mission field. I hope I will be given the chance to be in China, India or Africa to work for God’s glory! I am just so thankful to God for allowing me to know this Christian Leaders Institute! I believed God has a great plan for me ahead! It’s indeed a blessing to be a part of CLI family!
On the rocky hillside of Mars Hill in Athens is a bronze plaque on which is written, in hard to decipher Greek, the message of Paul to the members of the Areopagus. The Areopagus was the great international university of the day. If one wanted to study with the greatest minds in the world, one would make his way to Athens. There he would be able to join in the pursuit of truth which stands as the goal of all academic efforts even to this day.
A few years ago, I and some others with me had gone to visit Athens. After seeking, alas in vain, to read the Greek on the Hill of the Areopagus and so to figure out what it was saying, a couple of us finally broke down and asked the tour guide what the words on this plaque mean. She told us to take out our Bible and read Acts 17 and to understand that inscribed on the bronze were the words of the Apostle Paul which he had spoken on this spot.
It was on this spot that Paul had addressed the cultured despisers of all the things Paul believed in. He was invited there so that the philosophers of the day could listen for a while to Paul’s, as they called it, “babbling.” What is fascinating to me is that there is a marker that remembers Paul’s words from 2000 years ago. No one who was there that day can be named today except for two people. Paul was one of them. The other was a man named Dionysius, a member of the Areopagus, who became a follower of Jesus through Paul’s preaching. Paul is remembered as the man who brought the message of salvation to the city and Dionysius is the one who listened. In Dionysius, the church of Athens took root. Today one of the main thoroughfares of the city is named in his honor.
In the Old Testament there is mention of the setting up of markers that would memorialize an event. For example, the crossing of the Jordan River by Israel as it entered the Promised Land. (Joshua 4) It makes me wonder what sort of monuments I have established so that children, my own or others generations hence, would even ask, ‘What does this mean?” And can I explain to them that, on this spot, God invaded some new territory to claim it as his own? Or what new territory have I been involved in taking for the Lord? So much of what I have done over the years is in the realm of intangibles. How does one show that God has laid claim to this heart and that soul? How does one mark with a monument the preaching that invaded a person’s heart and their business was never the same after that?
Equipping New Leaders to Ascend Mars Hill
At Christian Leaders Institute we are equipping people who will be the invaders of the spiritual kingdom of the evil one. They will be the ones who give evidence of the word of God who “calls all people everywhere to repent.” (from Pauls’ words recorded on that plaque in Athens) A student from a remote area in Australia writes, “God shares each and every day with me, He fills my life with His love. These feelings I have lead me to want to minister for God, to get to know Him better. This beautiful place where I live, has no church, the closest is 25 km away, transport isn’t easy from here either, so I would like to, maybe one day, open a church in my small sea side, country town.” Anna hears God calling the people of her town to repent and she is training to be his spokesperson in her beautiful town of 20,000 people which has no church at all. Yet she knows God is calling all people everywhere to repent. Another of our students from Denver, Colorado in the USA, writes, “My walk with the Lord started at an earlier age between the ages of 10 and 12 even though I really did not understand who he was. It wasn’t until I was incarcerated the last time I really felt a connection with the Lord and He became real to me.” He heard God calling him to repent and to come to faith in Jesus. Now he is in training to “preach, teach the Word of God to family, friends and everyone with whom I make my acquaintance.” He has caught the Holy Spirit as did St. Paul who found that he needed to speak to every group, no matter if they were eager to hear or not. He, too, will leave his memorial of who God is in the lives of those who hear the Word of God through him.
A few years ago, I had the privilege of speaking the word of God to a woman, Yvonne, and her husband, Leroy, and seeing God take hold of them just moments before Yvonne herself went to be with the Lord. Hanging on our living room wall is a gift from Leroy who died a few months later. “So Dad, why do you have that hanging there?” I think my kids know the story of God’s invasive love that laid claim to a woman in last hours of her life. Even if that isn’t remembered by anyone living after I have left the scene and the gift from Leroy that hangs on the wall is discarded as some old junk Dad kept, the Lord remembers and I give thanks for his invasive love every time I see it.
Two millennia ago the son of God came into the world to bring new life. For thousands of years God had reached out to mankind, sending prophets and judges, appointing kings and rulers. His prophets spoke of a great messiah to come: one who would deliver the people of God.
For hundreds of years God’s people got it wrong. They worshiped other gods. They made treaties with other nations who they were commanded to avoid. They failed to keep appointed feasts and celebrations. The worship at the temple became rote, and for many non-existent.
But finally, 2,000 years ago, the people of God finally got it right. Their religious leaders banded together under the rule of the Roman empire and figured out exactly how to obey the law. They knew just what needed to be done to live in harmony with God and each other. Every law was fleshed out to the smallest detail – including how far you could travel on the Sabbath day! They really had it together. There was only one problem – the Roman empire.
The people of Israel cried out, pleading for the Messiah to come. They finally understood who the Messiah would be. A great prophet would come and deliver them from the rule of the Romans! They would be free of their oppressors and able to live as a nation again! Excitement reigned as signs surrounded the birth of a child in the city of Bethlehem – the prophesied birthplace of the great Messiah!
About 30 years later Jesus began His earthly ministry and teaching. The people loved Him because they were sure He was the messiah, but the religious leaders had objections. This couldn’t be a prophet of God. He didn’t observe the fullness of the law. His disciples failed to wash before meals, and he allowed it! They collected grain on the Sabbath day! Worst of all, He seemed to have no interest in being honored at their feasts! Rather, He dined with sinners – those who didn’t obey the law of God. He called tax collectors, traitors to their own people, His friends!
When the religious leaders confronted Him on His choice of company, the Lord replied “For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Matthew 9:13b)
The Same Messiah Offers the Same New Life Today
2,000 years later, many of the same prejudices still exist. In a world that has been almost fully exposed to the Christian Gospel, most people have it figured out. Most countries in the world have a legal system to appropriately punish many of the things forbidden by the law of God. Yet there are many who fail to follow these societal regulations. They develop addictions to alcohol, drugs, and often a life of crime.
The Christian church often does not think of such people as fit to lead the children of God. They are failures, people who just couldn’t get their act together, druggies, ex-cons, or alcoholics. Often, churchgoers do not even see such people as fit for reaching out to.
Yet today, as 2,000 years ago, the Messiah reaches out to these people to give them a new life. He even calls them to positions of leadership in the church. He reminds us, as He did the religious leaders of 2,000 years ago, that each person is His creation, that all of us are equal under His headship. Matthew Lade of Australia, a student at Christian Leaders Institute, tells the story of how God reached out to him at a time when everything seemed hopeless. He tells how God renewed him and bestowed new life and calling on him.
My name is Matthew Lade, I was born, raised and currently live in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia. I am a happily married man, recently married to my lovely wife in February 2013. I am currently a student at Tas Tafe, studying full time for a Diploma in Interactive Digital Media, which is to be completed by December 2013.
Tasmania is a beautiful and quiet place to live. Like other western countries Australia is blessed with the freedom of religion, so we can easily attend churches, worship God and fellowship with other believers. Sadly though many people in Australia are not so open to the gospel or are too caught up in the things of this world and do not worry about what happens after death. Ministering Christ to people can be hard but it is a joy when people do receive the good news gladly. God gives me strength to face each day and I rely on him to lead me in each situation.
I went to church when I was young but stopped going sometime during primary school. I got into drugs an alcohol during my early teens and that continued into my 20’s although I managed to quit smoking weed but took party drugs occasionally. During this time I hung around with the wrong crowd, committed crimes, spent some time in court rooms and at the police station. I had a serious accident when I was 21 which crushed some vertebrae. I had a successful operation but after the initial recovery drinking became more than just a weekend habit and I soon became an alcoholic. Depressed and having suicidal thoughts I stumbled upon a Christian video on Youtube. I watched some more videos about Jesus, ended up saying the sinners prayer and was delivered from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. I felt a powerful transformation happen. My friends and family noticed a change in me too. I was instantly delivered from some addictions and after 3 months I was delivered from alcohol. There’s a lot more to the story but that’s the gist of it. It is amazing what God has done with my life now, a few years ago I never would have dreamed that I’d be married and I now have a Joy for life in Christ that I never knew.
My ministry dream is to reach the lost, teach them about Jesus Christ and the life he can give to them. Because of my past I feel that I can relate and mister to people in similar situations to the one I was in. Troubled youth are who God has specifically placed on my heart so I guess I can see myself as a Youth Leader in the near future and would like to get involved helping in this area at my Church. I can also see myself as a Small Group Leader and one day maybe even Teacher or Pastor. Only God knows, and I am willing to let him take me wherever he wants.
I have loved reading the Bible ever since I was saved and I have a real passion for God’s word and take it very seriously. I also have a burning desire to serve God with my life and be all I can be for him in Christ. I felt like I was not really pursuing his plan for my life, I had thought about local Bible colleges but they are very expensive, so I searched online for some bible colleges and ended up finding CLI. The Getting Started Class has been a real blessing, I have loved working my way through the lessons and I am excited to continue Training through CLI, if I am Granted a Scholarship. This training will help to make sure I’m fully equipped with the experience and knowledge to be an effective Minister of the Gospel. I feel like I need a deeper understanding of God’s Word and an even closer relationship with him, I think studying at a CLI will help me to achieve this goal. I believe this is where God wants me right now and this is what he has called me to do, so I can serve him and bring Glory to him and the name of his Son.
The Church I go to does a lot in our community. Things such as delivering food to needy people, providing homeless people somewhere to stay, helping out women’s shelters and taking troubled kids on camps. This is just a few of many programs they run. I have been involved in the past and am still involved in some of these programs. The church has been very supportive in my ministry. I have mentioned to a Church Leader about my course at CLI and they seemed very supportive and were encouraging. I have also talked about it at length with some friends and family and they likewise are very supportive and encouraging. They believe God can use me in ministry.
Firstly, I would like to ask for prayer that God will continue to bless CLI and that an abundance of spiritual fruit will be grown by what they are doing. I would also like prayer for family members and friends who are not yet saved. That God would open up their hearts to His Truth and that many opportunities would arise for me to share the Truth with them and everyone in my life. Please pray that God will raise up more powerful leaders and that the Gospel of Christ will reach further than ever before.
Thanks to CLI, may God bless them and to anyone reading this, may God bless you too!
Matthew Lade is one of many who are called by God into His ministry. God has particularly called him to reach the lost in his area. He is called to those who, like he once was, are the ‘failures’ in our world today. Without CLI Matthew would not have been able to obtain the training he needed to pursue his calling. Christian Leaders Institute helps people like Matthew to realize their calling every day. If you feel that you are called to serve God but are unable to afford the time and expense of traditional Bible schools and seminaries, fill out our application to get started and start pursuing your calling now!