
Free Life Skills Class – Become a Stronger and Healthier You 

by Professor: Dr. David Feddes

You are part of God’s special operations. Your mission is to reclaim the world for Christ. You have been saved and called to help. This class is about helping you to become a stronger and healthier you. This free life skills class is perfect for living a more confident and healthy life!

This free life skills class gives you Biblical insights and practical knowledge that make you stronger for your mission. Each topic is applied to your spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual, emotional, relational, and vocational dimensions of life.

Dr. David Feddes will bring you through the crucial areas of total fitness for you to thrive in leading others.

You will Learn and Grow in this free life skills class 

  1. Total fitness: hear God’s call to embrace practical wisdom and discipline for strengthening the whole person.
  2. Spiritual fitness: draw near to God and stand stronger against Satan through spiritual disciplines.
  3. Physical fitness: know why the body matters to God, improve bodily health, and use body language well.
  4. Financial fitness: earn a good living, escape debt, build wealth, honor God and bless others with money.
  5. Intellectual fitness: build healthy curiosity, sharp thinking, lifelong study, and courage to stand for truth,
  6. Emotional fitness: learn to face feelings honestly and discover God working through emotions.
  7. Relational fitness: heal from past relational wrongs and wounds, and interact with others in a wise and godly manner
  8. Vocational fitness: pursue God’s calling for job, career, and other tasks.

You are welcome to take this free life skills Class supported by generous vision partners. These vision partners include blessed Christian Leaders Institute Graduates, Kingdom-minded Christians and Foundations, and others.

Begin your free life skills course now! You will begin by taking a Getting Started Orientation class. Then you are encouraged to enroll in the Christian Leaders Connection Class which helps you get situated at Christian Leaders Institute. You are also free to immediately take this Total Fitness class by Dr. David Feddes.

Other Opportunities:

More Ministry Training Classes and Programs -These Ministry training programs will fuel your calling and increase your impact. Gather digital mission credentials or order official awards. These credentials are perfect for local ministry opportunities and ordination.

Ordination – Completing free classes opens you up to an ordination opportunity that is both locally and globally recognized with the Christian Leaders Alliance. Check out how you can become an Ordained Christian Leader. Low fees apply for ordination packages.

College Degree –  Earn your College Degree – Use your Christian Leaders Institute free classes for collegiate credentials. Earn certificates, diplomas and degrees. Low administration fees apply.

Ministry Training Opportunity

My name is Shary Sheppard, I am 61 years young and have been married to my husband Peter for ministry training opportunity42 years. We raised 3 wonderful children and I now have 15 Grandchildren and one Great Grandson. All of my children have blended families but to us a Grandchild is a Grandchild, a gift from God.

I was not raised in a christian home. In fact my Dad was an alcoholic and having been raised very strictly in the Lutheran church had turned away from the Lord. I however was blessed to have a babysitter who was Baptist I think. She led me to Jesus at 4 and I gave my heart to Him. I took my self to church and my brothers when we were all very young. I kept going to church and living for Jesus and that did make me an outcast many times growing up. At the age of 16 my parents and one of my brothers were killed in an automobile accident. I spent 3 months in the hospital and Jesus never left my side. After coming home I went to live in a Foster Home and they were Christians. I then started going to the Catholic Church because it gave me what I needed at the time and the Lutheran I was raised in did not. Jesus kept me out of drugs and alcohol, so I was very blessed.

My husband was not a Christian, even though he told me he was before we married. Our life together has been full of turmoil and anger. He says he has accepted Christ now and it is not for me to judge. I raised our children in the Catholic Church and kept seeking the Lord. In the 90’s I had my eyes opened by a wonderful friend who introduced me to an Open Bible church. It was wonderful to learn about the real Jesus and what He already did for me.

I have been seeking the Lord’s face for many years now and He has brought me through many trials. I continue to pray and to learn. I love to share Jesus with friends and was searching for a way to have more knowledge to share. I have close friends that have spoken to me about being a minister so I started to research how to make this happen. I found Christian Leaders Institute and even though the devil has been tossing things at me for months I am finally finished with the Christian Leaders Basics Certificate.  I thank God for this ministry training opportunity for me.

I am disabled and get a very small disability check. My husband is a logger or works construction. All that means there is little money to pay for me to go back to school. So when I found CLI and this ministry training opportunity online.  It was perfect for me. I have prayed about this for a very long time and God showed it to me. My husband and I talked it over and even though he would rather I found something that would get me a paying job, he is supportive in my calling. I always tell him….God has a plan and He will show the plan when He is ready but I have to be ready also.

My church attendance has been spotty since I stopped going to the Catholic Church. I have attended several churches until I see that they are not really teaching from the Word of God. I have not forsaken church though because I watch faithfully several ministers on TV. I know that I need a local church that I can gather together with and I have hopefully found one recently. The fact that my husband will still not attend church with me will not slow me down. The Lord does have a plan.

My dream for the future is to have more confidence in mentoring the people I have met on Facebook who are in great need. I am also open if the Lord’s plan is to send me some place else to plant a church. God knows His plan and I only need to rest in His love and listen.

High Quality Classes. Study At Your Own Pace.


Christian Leaders Institute begins the student path by stressing the importance of the mentor connection. We make sure right away that students understand that we want them to find local mentors. We believe it is of vital importance to our students that there is somebody who is there locally that they can connect to face to face and talk about their lessons.

But why do we think this is important? After all, students don’t need mentors, right? They can join without a mentor, and all they have to do is keep working to complete the courses.

Well, that’s half true. Students can join without having a mentor name and e-mail at this time. It’s also true that there are some very strongly motivated individuals who can motivate themselves to complete even the most difficult of courses. However, some of the course work requires review by a mentor, and there are several reasons for this. I will list them below briefly and then talk about how each one specifically relates to the local mentorship model.

The Importance of the Mentor Connection

  1. As noted in an article published in the distance education article, students sometimes experience a loss of interest or lack of time required to complete classes offered online or through other distance learning methods.
  2. CLI staff cannot be available every hour of every day, and certainly do not have personal experience with many of the cultural idiosyncrasies of many students’ countries.
  3. Mentors keep students accountable.
  4. Called leaders will experience spiritual attack.

Sometimes you may find that a course is not what you expected. It may be that you started out all fired up to take the course, but somewhere along the way the fire died out. You knew you were called and you know that you needed this training, but somehow you just lost interest.

Or maybe you didn’t have time. At first it wasn’t difficult, just an hour or so a day. Eventually, though, time just seemed to disappear. You would get to the end of the day and fall into bed, exhausted from the days work, and think “I just didn’t have time to study today. I’ll make up for it tomorrow.”

the mentor connectionA local mentor is a great help in these situations. The mere existence of a time and place to meet with someone locally is a great motivation for students to get the work done. A mentor can work through your busy schedule with you and help you find the time that you could have spent on course work. He can motivate and encourage you to revive the fire that started you on the course in the first place. Most importantly, a godly mentor can help you to keep your focus where it needs to be – on your calling.

While Christian Leaders Institute has staff that is dedicated to giving students the best possible experience, they are just people like everyone else. Part of keeping overhead low is having a carefully budgeted staff that each perform their jobs during the hours allotted them. Since Christian Leaders Institute staff are located in America, this means that they are often not working during the times that somebody in Africa or Asia might need somebody to talk to about things. Also, the theological staff are especially busy, being mostly bi-vocational, and are even less available for student interaction.

Additionally, CLI’s American-based staff does not have a lot of understanding of cultural differences one might encounter in Africa, Europe, Asia, or even South America. This can make it difficult to help students sometimes, since we often revert to cultural norms when trying to explain a new concept.

A mentor connection with a local mentor can facilitate such discussions where CLI staff cannot. Local mentors are in the student’s environment and culture, and therefore possess a greater understanding of what the student wants to know and how to explain many questions. They are also available to discuss questions during the time that the student often has them, since they live in the same area and the same time zone.

CLI staff also is not able, because of time and budget constraints, to review all the sermons and student stories. Furthermore, even if they review written submissions of sermons, they are unable to provide feedback on other learned preaching aspects, such as delivery of the sermon. This makes it difficult for the student to honestly measure how much the training has really helped him or her.

A mentor helps by reviewing materials with students. Mentors also watch the students give their sermons. After watching the sermon, a good mentor can give a student important feedback. Mentors can tell them if they seemed nervous or uncertain. They can see if the delivery seemed weak. They can tell students if they’re making eye contact, looking out at the audience, or looking down while they’re speaking. Local mentors can provide all this feedback because they can actually watch a student as they are presenting their sermon, not just read the written content that is sent in.

And one very important part of having a mentor is aid in times of spiritual attack. Satan does not want to see new leaders raised up in the kingdom of God. His mind is set against God’s will, so when he sees a called leader pursue his calling, our enemy is quick to respond with an attack by his servants. That attack might come at any time, through any means.

CLI staff are far away from most of our students. Sometimes a student may be under attack, and we wouldn’t even know because we don’t see them. Even if we did know, the distance would make it hard to provide any real support during the attack. However, a mentor can often see when a student is under attack. He can help by providing sound counsel. A mentor can lend his or her mentees a listening ear, a ready shoulder to cry on, or perhaps even a temporary internet connection. He or she can provide students with encouragement and support.

While these are all good reasons to have mentors, there is one more that is the best reason. CLI has been providing online ministry training to students all over the world for almost a decade now. During that time, we have seen that students who have local mentors are 80% more likely to succeed in their studies than students who have nobody. The best reason to have a mentor is that while God may have called you, He also gave you a community of people who love and support you. And He wants you to utilize the strengths of the people that He’s put in your life to propel you onward toward your calling.

So if you’re considering joining CLI, or you’re already a student who just hasn’t had time to find a mentor yet, what are you waiting for? Make the mentor connection now and open the door to opportunity. You’ll never make a better move in pursuing your calling.

Free South African Bible School

I was born 1972 at a place called Soweto in Johannesburg, South Africa) Life in Soweto was not smooth. Most young man have to fend for them selves. The free South African Bible Schoolpolitical atmosphere was tense. It was the survival of the fittest. I grow up under my grandmothers care, since my mom got married after she parted ways with my father.  She started her life without me.  I stayed with my grandma and cousins. When my grandma died, life changed and I started smoking and drinking at the age of 13yrs. I felt unwanted at home so I drop out of school and wherever I laid my head that was my home. My mom came back two yrs later and she brought me home to in Voslooru in 1988.

I was still trapped in Soweto life style of drinking, smoking and womanizing. Three years later,  I went back to school and I met my wife and she she became pregnant.  I matriculated in 1994 and 1995, I started working but still trapped in my old ways. I bought a house by then I had three children 2002 we were pregnant again. I was still living my Soweto lifestyle. My wife got born again in 2000, she started praying me for me and everything I used. I am talking about my cloths, shoes, beers, smokes, my car and everything. I was starting to hate myself and the way I lived One day in 2003, I started crying like a baby asking God why do live like this?

I want my life to change and God to be part of it. A few weeks later, one sunday I just woke up and went to church. Since that day I never smoked again or drink again. I started working very hard at church even my wife started complaining about the time I spent at church. I guess she was thinking that I am up to my old trick again. A few months down the line the pastor invited me to the committee meeting and I was ask to join the organizing committee. It was not long I was ask take the offerings then one thing led to another and I was preaching on sunday and when we have gatherings by 2010.

I was called to do more for God. I was ordained for ministry in 2011. I am now preaching full-time. A church member showed me Christian Leaders Institute, this free South African Bible school online. Now I can get a knowledgeable ministry training. God answered my prayers. I have very little and I want to be used by God to raise up more leaders to advance the kingdom. The World needs institutions like CLI  to where the ministry training is free so that more Christian Leaders can be trained to reach the lost, minister to the poor, bring recovery of sight to the bring and declare the year of the Lord.  I used to say, the sky is the limit. Now I say, heaven is the limit!

Note: This Free South African Bible School now has thousands of students enrolled from South Africa.