
Free Life Skills Class – Become a Stronger and Healthier You 

by Professor: Dr. David Feddes

You are part of God’s special operations. Your mission is to reclaim the world for Christ. You have been saved and called to help. This class is about helping you to become a stronger and healthier you. This free life skills class is perfect for living a more confident and healthy life!

This free life skills class gives you Biblical insights and practical knowledge that make you stronger for your mission. Each topic is applied to your spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual, emotional, relational, and vocational dimensions of life.

Dr. David Feddes will bring you through the crucial areas of total fitness for you to thrive in leading others.

You will Learn and Grow in this free life skills class 

  1. Total fitness: hear God’s call to embrace practical wisdom and discipline for strengthening the whole person.
  2. Spiritual fitness: draw near to God and stand stronger against Satan through spiritual disciplines.
  3. Physical fitness: know why the body matters to God, improve bodily health, and use body language well.
  4. Financial fitness: earn a good living, escape debt, build wealth, honor God and bless others with money.
  5. Intellectual fitness: build healthy curiosity, sharp thinking, lifelong study, and courage to stand for truth,
  6. Emotional fitness: learn to face feelings honestly and discover God working through emotions.
  7. Relational fitness: heal from past relational wrongs and wounds, and interact with others in a wise and godly manner
  8. Vocational fitness: pursue God’s calling for job, career, and other tasks.

You are welcome to take this free life skills Class supported by generous vision partners. These vision partners include blessed Christian Leaders Institute Graduates, Kingdom-minded Christians and Foundations, and others.

Begin your free life skills course now! You will begin by taking a Getting Started Orientation class. Then you are encouraged to enroll in the Christian Leaders Connection Class which helps you get situated at Christian Leaders Institute. You are also free to immediately take this Total Fitness class by Dr. David Feddes.

Other Opportunities:

More Ministry Training Classes and Programs -These Ministry training programs will fuel your calling and increase your impact. Gather digital mission credentials or order official awards. These credentials are perfect for local ministry opportunities and ordination.

Ordination – Completing free classes opens you up to an ordination opportunity that is both locally and globally recognized with the Christian Leaders Alliance. Check out how you can become an Ordained Christian Leader. Low fees apply for ordination packages.

College Degree –  Earn your College Degree – Use your Christian Leaders Institute free classes for collegiate credentials. Earn certificates, diplomas and degrees. Low administration fees apply.

pastoral ministry training

Receive Pastoral Ministry Training To Impact The World

It doesn’t take research to analyze the world in where it stands today with God. It’s quite easy to see how we are living in a fallen world. Because of our God-given free will, we have a choice. Some will be satisfied just trying to get themselves right in the eyes of the Lord, but others will want to reach out and try to win them over to Christ. The need for this has always been there, but this couldn’t be a better time in the world we live in today.

Can Pastoral Ministry Training Really Be Free?

With Christian Leaders Institute, we provide our pastoral ministry training absolutely free to every student who wishes to enroll. This is done by gracious donors who donate to our cause. Not everybody can afford seminary colleges. Nor do they have ways to relocate many miles from home to attend a seminary college. Which makes CLI a blessing for many since our classes are also done online!  Students can also donate any amount of money they wish to, however this is not a requirement to receive pastoral ministry training through Christian Leaders Institute.

Here is one of our many students taking full use of our pastoral ministry training. Truly an amazing story and CLI is blessed to teach Edward so he can achieve his ministry dreams!

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My name is Elder Edward L. Smith of the United States and I hale from Emmanuel Way of the Cross Church in Virginia Beach, Va. where the honorable Bishop Fred E. Hill is my pastor. I came to know The Lord at the age of twelve years old, at a revival service lead by now Bishop Jean Castel of Living Word in the Tabernacle. I began my journey as a minister in February of 2000 and have gone through many trials since. It is truly by the grace of the Lord that I am where I am today.

I have been blessed to do ministry all over the world and if there ever was a time that we needed the Lord, it is now. The adversary is busy not only in the world but also in the church. For as many believers that are being drawn to the church there are just as many running from it. This Spirit has been fueled with a strong hopelessness that is broadcast across our televisions everyday.

It is with these truths in mind that I am sharing my ministerial dream of leading a revolutionary revival for fallen believers and non believers. I believe that the time has come for the sleepers to awake and take back, reclaim, and revitalize through the Spirit of God that which has been stolen from us. The Lord has laid it upon my heart to birth a ministry without walls whose impact will be felt long after the initial starters are gone home. He has opened my eyes and filled my heart with openness & understanding for young couples, men and women, who have been disillusioned by the current day representation Church of the living God as well as false teachings propagated by society, but yet they still have a hope and desire to do the will of the Lord (ex. Feeding and clothing the homeless, helping battered women and providing a safe place for teenagers) and to learn His will for their Lives.

As a young man of faith, living in this time of the great falling away, in the middle of modern day Babylon, the Lord has given me unction to create a house of refuge for young brothers and sisters who have been lost by the way side. To provide an environment that is conducive to the spiritual development and maturity of young believers, a place of freedom, from self-righteous judgment and spiritual hardiness. Most of all a place they can call “Home”.

The word Pastor applies more to the call and mandate on my life. The inward yearning for shepherding the lost, broken, and confused is great upon me. My heart pours out to these brothers and sisters because I was once one of them. I have been the sinner getting saved for the first time, the backslider drawn out by temptation, the leader judging those who fell, the leader being judged because I fell, the scorner of the visionary, and the visionary being scorned for trusting the vision God has given unto me. God has blessed me through my trials to develop a sensitivity to the process of redemption and restoration through revitalizing power of Gods love. I am a living witness!

To do ministry in my area is difficult because the over saturation of churches and the birthing of mega churches . I believe in proper alignments, but when denomination seems more like spiritual gangs and reasons not to come together it can be very discouraging. Leaders blocking and stopping the growth of other leaders without thinking through the complete spiritual ramifications of their fleshly doings. Racial segregation on Sundays is so high that to worship with someone of another ethnic background seems strange. We need the help of the Lord Jesus.

My Pastor and church are fully supporting my pursuit into pastoral ministry training. My wife and children will be joining me on this journey. We are blessing God for the corporate call and mandate on our household. We are prayerfully moving forward every day. We bless God for Christian Leaders Institute for opening its doors and providing high quality Christian education for bi-vocational leaders with their pastoral ministry training classes. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be trained and will use the tools in the pastoral ministry training of future leaders in my ministry. Thank you and God Bless you greatly!

Is Pastoral Ministry Training In Your Future?

CLI encourages all who have a passion for pastoral ministry training to enroll. Click here to begin your pastoral ministry training! You can begin the getting started class immediately after signing up! Also read more about us and our students on facebook! God bless.



pastoral leadership training

Pastoral Leadership Training A Necessity For The Youth

Through the juvenile court system, the United States incarcerates more of its youth than any other country in the world. In 2002, approximately 126,000 juveniles were incarcerated in youth detention facilities alone. With an astonishing 500,000 brought into detention centers in a given year. That is just too many of our youth in need of an introduction to a Savior.

How many teenagers do you know that are actively pursuing a life with God? For most of us, there’s not many that we can name. For the most part, teenagers and kids today would much rather be consumed with the things of the world than sit in a pew. We live in a godless generation where God is no longer desired, sought after, or made our first love. So how do we reach our youth? Authentic love. That love that is truly genuine. That love where when someone feels that no one will listen to them, you can be that one person who says, “I will.” Through love, and authentic love, the love that Jesus was truly about…may walls and guards be torn down. Let people see our light and profess, I want what they’ve got. Let us love! Without love, we will lose many battles. We will lose our youth. With pastoral leadership training, Christian Leaders Institute can equip you with guiding our youth today.

Here is the testimony of one of our students receiving pastoral leadership training. He has a passionate heart towards the youth and he is ready to reach them.

Pastoral Leadership Training Desired By Mark Younghans

My name is Mark Younghans. I am from the United States of America. Born and raised in St Paul, Minnesota. I did not grow up in a Christian home. I don’t remember ever seeing someone pray or read the bible outside of church, unless it was prayer before Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. I am the youngest of 3 kids. We were sent to church more as a daycare, but we stopped going when my older siblings got to the independent age around 16. I started going again when I was around 16 and started driving myself. I had grown up in the same church, but my faith was never real to me. I lived like the world, ASSUMED that I was forgiven so I could live in my sins. Christianity did not become real to me until after I graduated from college, started a job, opened a business, bought a house and partied like there was no tomorrow. One day I realized how much God had blessed me with. I was 22, 23 years old and I showed God no appreciation for what He had done for me, no appreciation for where He had brought me from in my neighborhood and where He brought me to with success.

After graduating college and coming back to St Paul, I started attending my old church again. One day the pastor gave a sermon on there needs to be a clear difference between believers and none believers. At that time, I had a guy working for me who was an atheist, with demonic tattoos skulls, snakes, grim reapers all over his body. We worked 40-60 hours a week together and then partied 1 to 3 nights a week, got drunk, messed with girls, got into fights. There was no difference between me and him and I showed him no reason to want to get to know God or to come to church. The Holy Spirit led me to start changing. First, I gave up smoking weed. Then drinking like I was and then sex. It has been a rough road, a roller coaster, up and down, left and right. But God is good always. I have my degree in Corrections and minor in sociology. With it, I work with kids that are locked up 6-9 months for various crimes. I’ve been there part-time since I graduated 5 and a half years ago. I am a Licensed real estate agent and real estate investor. I have a few side business ventures that I do from time to time such as house moves labor. God has definitely placed a spirit of entrepreneurship in me. Finding a balance, or really keeping God fully in first place, family next, and business next is a struggle sometimes.

In ministry, God led me to start a ministry called “Get 2 know God.” I started a youtube channel to post bible studies, sermons and spoken word videos. Prior to this, I worked with few leaders and we created a program called God’s Gangsters, reaching out to inner city youth. This was a live conference call that took place every Tuesday night, where anyone in the US could call into this line and hear a 15 minute service. Which included key information and tips, music and a 7-10 minute sermon. And that is where my preaching started. I started the youtube channel, writing sermons, and doing bible studies on video. After doing this for over a year, my church had a need where our pastor up and quit. On Dec 23, 2013, I went to church with the intent of saying good bye and letting everyone know I was leaving. Reason was differences in opinion between me and the pastor and his leadership. Also, because my ex girlfriend. The two situations were causing issues and it felt like the right time to leave. The pastor to a certain extent begged me not to leave, said he needed me for the new year, that I was a worker and listened to him. He talked me out of leaving the church. The next week was my birthday, I was not in church and had a full day planned. He quit that next Sunday, Dec. 29th, 2013. He did not say good bye to the congregation. After the service he gave the keys to another leader and said he was done. The following Sunday, we had a church meeting with the head of our church conference. He asked us what do we want to do? Either close the church, try and bring in a another pastor (two had quit within the past 2 years which really effected the young people), or to use what we have which meant Pastor/leader Cookie be the lead pastor of our church and I help her preach 2 to 3 times a month. I accepted the challenge. That started in January 2014, so 7 months in and it has been a journey. My goals are to be a better well rounded servant of God. To gain wisdom and knowledge through the Holy Spirit to better explain and preach the word of God. I felt called to start a youth church since I was 22. Currently our church is small 15-25 people plus kids, and they are mainly youth 19-27. I am walking through doors as God opens them.

Pastoral Leadership Training Through Christian Leaders Institute

God reopened this door to CLI. I started it over a year ago but was too busy and never made it through the first course. God has revealed to me through about 4 different people confirming that I should get pastoral leadership training. Even a few strangers, so it had to be the Spirit working. Getting pastoral leadership training through CLI will give me the opportunity to follow along this path and walk through the doors God is opening. There is no way I would be able to commit to seminary right now if I had to pay out of pocket for it. So this program to receive my pastoral leadership training is offering me the chance to move forward with Gods call right now.

Click here to enroll with Christian Leaders Institute today to begin your Pastoral Leadership training! Also check us out on facebook!

seminary debt

It’s a given today. If you want to be a pastor, you need to go to seminary. Don’t worry about the tens of thousands of dollars of seminary debt you’ll pick up along the way.  All you need is one of those upper middle class pastoral positions and you’ll have the debts paid off in no time, right?

This is much less true than it was many years ago. Positions for full-time pastors and associate pastors are becoming more scarce, and in many instances the pay for such positions is much less than it once was. This is illustrated by a story published in The Atlantic on July 22, 2014. The story talks about a seminary graduate named Justin Barringer. Barringer was unable to obtain a job after applying to over 200 churches, according to the article, and now works three different jobs with little hope of paying off his seminary debt. Justin says he does not harbor any ill-will toward the church. He also says, “I wish someone had advised me against taking on so much debt in order to be trained for ministry.”

Justin isn’t the only one in this predicament, though. In 2011, Forbes Magazine published an article about the massive seminary debts acquired by many who wanted to be pastors. This article, like the one in The Atlantic, demonstrated the unavailability of sufficient positions for the current number of seminary graduates. Still another story featured on PBS talked about seminary graduates who were unable to put their training to use upon graduation.

Can You Get Training Without Seminary Debt?

So what course of action is available to you if you feel that you are called to preach the gospel? Taking on mountains of seminary debt will only guarantee you mountains of seminary debt. Is there another way to receive training that won’t leave you with more bills than you can pay?

Most seminarians would say no. Seminaries have been around for years. They have time-honored traditions, thousands of books concerned with the exposition of religious doctrine, tenured professors, and the full weight and authority of their church behind them. Seminary is the only way to get great, authoritative training for ministry in the church.

Jerry Bowyer, a contributor to Forbes Magazine, has a different approach to this idea. He says that we should return to the original method of training church leaders that was modeled for us by Christ: apprenticeship. Apprenticeship doesn’t require that enormous seminary debt be required to pay for training. Additionally, it has the benefit for the student of actually experiencing the life and ministry of a pastor. This, Bowyer says, is worth more than the hours spent in a seminary classroom.

But What About Theological Education?

Theological education is important. Jerry Bowyer acknowledges its importance in his article, “Bursting the Seminary Bubble (part II),” but he offers a solution for that as well. Get your education for free! Bowyer points to a few different sites and resources around the internet that offer some materials that will assist with theological education. There are even resources to assist ministry aspirants in learning Biblical Greek and Hebrew. Bowyer talks about a class his daughter is going through about the theology and impact of C. S. Lewis. There may be some searching and piecing together to do, buy Jerry Bowyer points out that all the education you need is available without the necessity of a seminary building.

But what if somebody had all these materials in one place? What if a prospective pastor could get access to all the theological education he needed without accruing mountains of seminary debt, and without piecing together a hundred different internet resources by himself? What if there was already somebody there in 2011 when Bowyer wrote the article who practiced the free model of seminary training, hand-in-hand with the apprenticeship model?

Christian Leaders Institute Leaves No Seminary Debt

Another word for apprenticeship is mentorship, and Christian Leaders Institute has been vocal about the mentorship since its inception in 2001. Students are encouraged to find and stay in frequent communication with mentors. Mentors are asked to participate in the student’s studies by encouraging them, listening to sermons and giving feedback, and guiding them through the theological education at Christian Leaders Institute.

Additionally, course materials at Christian Leaders Institute reside entirely on the internet. There are no classrooms for students to attend, which means no seminary buildings requiring millions of dollars annually to operate and maintain. With the low budget that is facilitated by this online method of bringing the training to students, Christian Leaders Institute is able to offer the training to anyone in the world without cost to them!

Christian Leaders Institute will not have any Justin Barringers with mountains of seminary debt, working three jobs to recover from their ministry training. Even in the event that a graduate of Christian Leaders Institute is unable to find a full-time pastoral position, she will not be weighed down with seminary debt in whatever calling God has for her. Christian Leaders who are trained at CLI can use their ministry training for any ministry role without having to be concerned with paying off their student loans. This also offers people the freedom to take the courses even if they aren’t planning to use the training for a high-paid job elsewhere. And CLI accomplishes all this without compromising on the quality of the ministry training courses.

Have you been called to the ministry? Would you like to get your training without the mountains of seminary debt that accompany it? Enroll at Christian Leaders Institute. It’s free to join, and you can get started with your first class TODAY!