
Free Life Skills Class – Become a Stronger and Healthier You 

by Professor: Dr. David Feddes

You are part of God’s special operations. Your mission is to reclaim the world for Christ. You have been saved and called to help. This class is about helping you to become a stronger and healthier you. This free life skills class is perfect for living a more confident and healthy life!

This free life skills class gives you Biblical insights and practical knowledge that make you stronger for your mission. Each topic is applied to your spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual, emotional, relational, and vocational dimensions of life.

Dr. David Feddes will bring you through the crucial areas of total fitness for you to thrive in leading others.

You will Learn and Grow in this free life skills class 

  1. Total fitness: hear God’s call to embrace practical wisdom and discipline for strengthening the whole person.
  2. Spiritual fitness: draw near to God and stand stronger against Satan through spiritual disciplines.
  3. Physical fitness: know why the body matters to God, improve bodily health, and use body language well.
  4. Financial fitness: earn a good living, escape debt, build wealth, honor God and bless others with money.
  5. Intellectual fitness: build healthy curiosity, sharp thinking, lifelong study, and courage to stand for truth,
  6. Emotional fitness: learn to face feelings honestly and discover God working through emotions.
  7. Relational fitness: heal from past relational wrongs and wounds, and interact with others in a wise and godly manner
  8. Vocational fitness: pursue God’s calling for job, career, and other tasks.

You are welcome to take this free life skills Class supported by generous vision partners. These vision partners include blessed Christian Leaders Institute Graduates, Kingdom-minded Christians and Foundations, and others.

Begin your free life skills course now! You will begin by taking a Getting Started Orientation class. Then you are encouraged to enroll in the Christian Leaders Connection Class which helps you get situated at Christian Leaders Institute. You are also free to immediately take this Total Fitness class by Dr. David Feddes.

Other Opportunities:

More Ministry Training Classes and Programs -These Ministry training programs will fuel your calling and increase your impact. Gather digital mission credentials or order official awards. These credentials are perfect for local ministry opportunities and ordination.

Ordination – Completing free classes opens you up to an ordination opportunity that is both locally and globally recognized with the Christian Leaders Alliance. Check out how you can become an Ordained Christian Leader. Low fees apply for ordination packages.

College Degree –  Earn your College Degree – Use your Christian Leaders Institute free classes for collegiate credentials. Earn certificates, diplomas and degrees. Low administration fees apply.

Chaplaincy Program

Always Learning

Hi, my name is Cathy Zorn, a 2nd generation Canadian. I am thankful to be in the Chaplaincy program at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online free Bible courses, Click Here).

I live in my small hometown of Dundas, Ontario. It is where the Niagara escarpment meets the inland waters of Lake Ontario. Aside from a bit of an excursion to the British Columbia interior for three years, our life has mainly been in this nature-filled valley.

My Faith Journey

Many good things and memories filled my childhood. I had known Jesus since the age of 12 when my parents decided to attend church and enroll us in a Christian school in our neighborhood. Friends there quickly helped me learn even the most basic Bible stories to start my faith journey, for which I was grateful. After that, I shared my young life with two younger brothers. Later, I shared my life with my husband, four kids, and now three grandchildren, not to mention my great friends.

Events that Led Me to Chaplaincy

I want to highlight the main events in my life that propelled me into seeking out a chaplaincy program that suits me. The first event was the tragedy of losing my 22-year-old brother in a vehicle accident. It proved to be a time of wrestling for our family regarding what the goodness of God meant. Expecting our first child, I was in awe and wonder of new life and at the same time angered with the unexpected loss of life. Thankfully, my brother was a believer, and I know where he is. However, without that knowledge, the agony remains for many others.

Further, we have seen marriages break up with our friends, the death of children, hospitalized children, the unappreciated stressed-out work life, the tragic accidents, the betrayals within families, and unresolved conflict. All through these events, many did not have the hope of the gospel. However, those who have this hope are managing with more strength, resolve, patience and peace.

My Chaplaincy Calling

Many years later, at 58, I have known many unsure of what happens after their life here on earth. My 94-year-old neighbors are two of them. I feel a heavy calling on my heart to bring the news of the gospel to those who have not received this message of hope. My husband lost his parents eight years ago, just 12 days apart. Although this was a difficult time for us, we knew the gospel message, but others in the family could not find peace.

Study at CLI

With so much chaos and turmoil in our world today, I want to be better equipped to engage in important conversations during the confusion, strife, trauma, sickness, and despair. The chaplaincy program at the Christian Leaders Institute presents this opportunity. I am so thankful to have found CLI and the chaplaincy program there.

The honor of meeting so many people in my life who know Jesus has been such a blessing. It is also a source of encouragement to me. So now it’s time to be attentive to my heart. I want to give back in the richest way to bring this clear message to others.

Steps to Sign Up At Christian Leaders Institute

Step 1 – Register for a free study account that automatically enrolls you in the Christian Leaders Getting Started Course Part 1 &2. 

After you register, you will automatically be enrolled in the “getting started” course. You will locate the course at your “home” button when logged in. Scroll down to find the Christian Leaders Getting Started Course Part 1 &2 Link. Click the link and open the course.

Step 2 – Complete Part 1 of this course, and then you are allowed to enroll in mini-courses or regular courses. 

The Christian Leaders Getting Started Class Part 1 shows you how to enroll in courses and mini-courses. Part 2 of the course connects your calling into ministry with programs offered through Christian Leaders Institute. Part 2 will offer some ministry training and introduce you to the other programs offered through Christian Leaders Institute.

Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost college degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

Looking for Bible Courses

I, Mishka Laubscher, grew up in Randfontein, a small town in Gauteng, South Africa. While looking for Bible courses online, I found the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online free Bible courses, Click Here).

My Journey

Up until 2009, I attended primary and high school in my hometown. I had some background knowledge of God, Jesus, and the Bible, as my parents took me to Sunday school throughout my younger years.

After high school, I went on to study graphic design at a national college and never returned to church again. I was young and reckless. I fell in love and got engaged. However, it turned out to be a very broken and toxic relationship, which caused a lot of hatred in and for myself.

A few more years of toxic relationships and situations followed. I kept trying to conform and please the friends and people around me. It led me to a downward spiral of despair, rejection, and no self-love. I started abusing alcohol to help me forget about my transgressions. Until one day, when I reached a point where I was about to take my own life. At that exact time, I had an encounter with the power and mercy of our Creator.

My Faith Journey

Therefore, I started my new journey. First, I went for spiritual counseling and deliverance. God’s power mesmerized me, and His gift of salvation filled me with gratitude. So, I enrolled in counseling and deliverance courses to try and further my knowledge and understanding of my past experiences.

However, the spiritual warfare was never-ending, and my knowledge and faith were not sufficient enough at that point. The fight pushed and pulled me off the path. I started and fell into old habits and lost my way countless times, from which I struggled to find my way back again. At some point, I realized what I was trying to achieve on my own would never work. I needed Jesus, and it was useless trying to fight these demons by myself. So, the Grace of God helped me AGAIN without fail.

Today, I am happily married to an amazing husband who shares my love and gratefulness for God. He studies the Word with me intending to raise a Christian family in the Lord. I have a passion for God’s Word and want to submerge myself in it. I long to know every piece of it and to have an intimate relationship with God. We currently live on a farm in South Africa so close to nature and God’s creation. What a blessing!

Looking for Bible Courses Online Led Me to CLI

I found the Christian Leaders Institute online while looking for Bible courses and study material for my free time. Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of free time at this point in my life. As I work two jobs and am pregnant with our firstborn, I can’t commit to full-time study. But I am confident that God will provide a way for me to get through these studies and show me the path He has laid out for me.

By joining CLI, I hope to find the confidence and knowledge to enter into part-time or volunteer ministry. First, I want to help and minister to the lost sheep, using my past life experiences and knowledge. Then, I can maybe help them fill the hole inside, longing for the love of the Great I Am.

Steps to Sign Up At Christian Leaders Institute

Step 1 – Register for a free study account that automatically enrolls you in the Christian Leaders Getting Started Course Part 1 &2. 

After you register, you will automatically be enrolled in the “getting started” course. You will locate the course at your “home” button when logged in. Scroll down to find the Christian Leaders Getting Started Course Part 1 &2 Link. Click the link and open the course.

Step 2 – Complete Part 1 of this course, and then you are allowed to enroll in mini-courses or regular courses. 

The Christian Leaders Getting Started Class Part 1 shows you how to enroll in courses and mini-courses. Part 2 of the course connects your calling into ministry with programs offered through Christian Leaders Institute. Part 2 will offer some ministry training and introduce you to the other programs offered through Christian Leaders Institute.

Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost college degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

Further Proper Ministry Training

Greetings from Burlington, North Carolina, USA! Hello, my name is Chad Wrenn. Currently, I am getting further proper ministry training at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online free Bible courses, Click Here).

In 1973, I was born. Since then, I grew up and have lived in this small North Carolina town. I was blessed to grow up in a Godly home. My Dad and Mom, devoted Christians, raised me to serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I attended a very spiritual Baptist church not far from my home. Along with many others, the pastor invested time in me both spiritually and personally. Their teaching on the Word of our God led me to salvation in my early teens. After that, I continued going to church and serving in any way that I could.

God’s Calling

I always felt the tugging at my heart to do more! However, I was never the type of person to be in front of a crowd. I was the behind-the-scenes kind of guy. God led my family and me to Faith Christian Church. Here, I became involved with the music. Still, not one to be in front of people, I sang the songs of praise. I became a Deacon of Faith Christian so I could serve even more.

But God said I still could do more! It was like a tug of war. God was pulling me in one direction. While I was pulling in another, still not sure what I was supposed to be doing. God was calling me to become a minister. I didn’t like to be in front of a lot of people.

I met with my pastor, who is also my mentor, and told him that I was answering the calling to the ministry. He encouraged me to follow what God had placed on my heart. Then, he told me I was preaching in two weeks! My first sermon was on Following Jesus. It was over two years ago. I was as nervous as I could be. But, God did not fail me! Through his Holy Spirit, He guided me through word for word. Praise God!!

Study at CLI

I signed up at the Christian Leaders Institute to get further proper ministry training. Then, I can fulfill God’s calling on my life. Please pray that God uses me for His Glory in the advancement of his Kingdom. Thank you!

Steps to Sign Up At Christian Leaders Institute

Step 1 – Register for a free study account that automatically enrolls you in the Christian Leaders Getting Started Course Part 1 &2. 

After you register, you will automatically be enrolled in the “getting started” course. You will locate the course at your “home” button when logged in. Scroll down to find the Christian Leaders Getting Started Course Part 1 &2 Link. Click the link and open the course.

Step 2 – Complete Part 1 of this course, and then you are allowed to enroll in mini-courses or regular courses. 

The Christian Leaders Getting Started Class Part 1 shows you how to enroll in courses and mini-courses. Part 2 of the course connects your calling into ministry with programs offered through Christian Leaders Institute. Part 2 will offer some ministry training and introduce you to the other programs offered through Christian Leaders Institute.

Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost college degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.