My name is Florence Betty Kubai, a single mother aged 41 years. I currently live in Kenya a small 20140112_223234Atown 14 kilometers from the capital city Nairobi, Kenya is mostly a Christian Country and Churches are really being planted, however most people have turned to witchcraft. I am so glad I can receive free Kenya Ministry training online. I am so excited to graduate with a Christian Leaders Basics Certificate.

Two years ago, I was not happy about the direction my life had taken and I felt rejected, deserted and there was nobody I could even trust or depend on in my life,  I felt hopeless and at this time I was expecting a baby.  My children and I had been rejected by their dad. I was so helpless.  I really needed love, care and desperately searching for answers in my life. I was just fed up with my life. I walked near a church and I felt a kind of peace, love and joy that I had never felt before. I met Christ and he turned my life around and I’m excited and enjoy every step that I make with him.

My calling is to extend the same joy, love, hope to the people who have suffered rejection. I am called to minister to single hurting parents, orphans, widows, and widowers, teenagers, the helpless, and the hopeless.  I would like to lead to Christ with the proper knowledge and to be used of God for the sake of this souls.

I would like to be a mentor and a Youth leader and I would love to have the ministry knowledge so as to learn and to know God even more. God has already connected me to few homeless teenagers who have been rejected and homeless.  I have tried in my very humble state to feed them and share Christ with them. I have even housed them even when though I barely make ends meet.

Praise God, The church I attend is very supportive they have really encouraged me to do full time ministry.  I have  joined the intercessory group where we have a weekly fellowship and week day services.
I want to lead by example. I pray my family will be born again and that seeing my life they will becoming interesting in accepting Christ. God has changed me. He can change them!

The Scholarship from CLI means so much to me. I thank other students who can give and the generous supporter of Christian Leaders Institute who make this free Kenya ministry training possible.  I will accomplish my spiritual dream and increase my knowledge on ministry especially at this time when I’m am single handedly raising up my four children and I’m also a mother to many others.

Free Kenya Ministry Training is available to without cost. Just fill out an application to start right immediately. Twenty Two high quality courses are available.

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