Free High-Quality Ministry School

Saved to Make a Difference, Jesus Did It!

I firmly believe that anyone can be chosen by God to be a difference to make a difference. Hello, my name is Shaneil Jones, and I am at a free high-quality Ministry School – the Christian Leaders Institute.
I am from the beautiful Island of Jamaica, and I am part of a family of six. I grew up in a Christian home where my siblings and I were taught by our parents to respect and revere the LORD.

The Call to Worship

I accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal LORD and Savior at the age of 12. Immediately after, I started my first year in High School. There, I was led to take five minutes from my lunchtime to pray with a friend of mine. We started doing this every day, and each day students and teachers began to join the group to pray. Before we knew it, God established a powerful prayer meeting for His Glory.

The Challenge

In the year 2007, I had to leave school abruptly. At that time, my family was going through a rough time. They did not have sufficient funds to pay for my tuition, which was required. Therefore, I did not get the chance to graduate and receive a high school diploma from them. It was very challenging for me, but I trusted the LORD to lead me as He pleased. In about a month or two, I started attending a local institution. There I finished my studies.

Broken to be Blessed

Two years passed, I turned 18, and my life went down the wrong path that eventually pushed me closer to the LORD. I got in the wrong company of friends, and I got pregnant. At that time, I was the one my family depended on to make the difference. I was very disappointed in myself because I had failed my family. However, I felt even worse because I had failed the LORD miserably. Thank the LORD for His grace!

During that time, I recommitted my life to Christ as I was not satisfied with the type of lifestyle and friends I had. I did not feel I belonged. I spoke to my friends about returning to Christ. However, it was not received well at all.

Recognizing the Call

I thought life would get better instead of worse because I forsook the lifestyle that was unhealthy for me. However, In 2010, I became ill and lost my baby at childbirth. Surprisingly, during that time, I felt the peace of God but did not understand why. With more revelations from the LORD and confirmation of His spoken word, I recognized that the calling of the LORD was upon my life.
Shortly after, I experienced death, and within my spirit, I cried unto the LORD for help. I cried, “Please, dear Jesus, help me!’ Immediately my spirit reentered my body. I woke up showing my mother that indeed there is deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ.

The following night, the LORD revealed Himself to me. “I have let you live for a reason and a purpose, for a reason have I redeemed thee,” saith the LORD. These words made me realize that indeed I was a chosen vessel for the LORD. I needed Him and could do nothing without Him.

God’s Amazing Plan

In 2012, the LORD was using me as His mouthpiece in the lives of many. Within this year, I decided to do a course in ministry. God opened the way for me to attend Bible College in my city. I finished the first year and was about to enter the second when I was hit with a lot. I could not come up with any tuition to finish there. During this time, I began praying as to what I should do. The LORD assured me that I should not worry because He would allow me to finish Bible school in America. So, I trusted God and left college.

A Free High-Quality Ministry School – CLI

I traveled and worked for the LORD. Furthermore, I was ordained in the states as an evangelist for five years. In 2020, a sister from the USA was talking about this free high-quality ministry school. She said it was a free study online. Every time she mentioned CLI, I felt a calling to study there. I obeyed the voice of the LORD. Now, I am grateful that the ministry school the LORD led me to study at is the Christian Leaders Institute.

I am blessed and honored to be a part of this free high-quality Ministry School. Thank you so much for having me. God bless you. I am looking to achieve what I could not achieve years ago. I want to be a more equipped Minister for the Kingdom of God. Then, I can be a difference to make a difference. I pray and trust that God’s will is evident as I take this path of great purpose. To follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit and make the best of this study opportunity is my goal. Then, lives will be transformed and used for the Kingdom of God.

Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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