Free Education Opportunity

Free Education Opportunity

My name is Jonathan Edwardson, and I am thankful for the free education opportunity at CLI. I am from Meridian, Idaho, USA. I am the father of two young boys and a husband to my wonderful wife, Charity.

My Early Years 

I lived in Kalispell, Montana, where I grew up in a Christian household. When I was 12 years old, I clearly remember writing my first sermon. I had just seen the 90s film, Independence Day. So, I thought that it would be an excellent way to use a current popular film to connect with a congregation. My mother likely still has it somewhere, but I don’t imagine it is quite as terrific as my memory.

I moved to Kalispell when I was in 5th grade. Formerly from Seattle, Washington, I was excited to live closer to the family that I often visited on holidays. Shortly after, I realized that this meant I would not see my close friends any longer. However, I got involved with youth groups at our church which helped. Then, I got my first job and made it my mission to be the best of the best.


An opportunity to go back home to visit Seattle came about. I was excited to visit friends. However, I was devastated to find out that my best friend, Shane, had died. My life shattered. I started to struggle at school, genuinely. My mother pulled me out of public school, and I enrolled in a Christian school. I continued to struggle with school. I was angry at the world, but I did not want to talk about it. My mother homeschooled me for a time until, ultimately, I dropped out of all school and focused on my job.

Marriage and Family

Years into my job, I met Charity. I knew from the beginning that I wanted to marry her. After being friends for a couple of years, we dated. Fast-forward 15 years later, and we are married and happy with two kids. I received my GED, went back to school, and received my Bachelors Degree in Communication.

My wife and I have two young boys who are both on the Autism Spectrum. This reality, more than anything, has shown me the need for Christ in my life. In Christ, I can be a better husband and father, an example to my family, and help others come to know Christ.

Search for Ministry Schooling and the Free Education Opportunity at CLI

Christian Leaders Institute is an answer to my search for ministry training. Financially, I already am in so much debt from student loans. With CLI, I can become better educated in my faith while not furthering my financial burden. Thank you, CLI, for this free education opportunity!

Interested in credible ordination? Check out the Christian Leaders Alliance.  Looking for a low-cost college degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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