Free Education

Free Education and Free Missionary Support 

My name is Sheree Jarman. I am receiving free missionary support and free education through CLI from anywhere in the world! I was born in Australia. Currently, I serve as a missionary in Asia and have been for the past four years.

As a Christian leader in Asia, God has touched my heart for His people in many ways. Partnering with the local church has been an invaluable experience. Through this partnership, God has opened up many doors for us to preach the gospel. Through outreach community programs, we have seen many saved and lives changed for the glory of God. Even though this has been the most exciting time of my life, it has also been difficult. Often, the support and encouragement I need to continue to do the work of the Lord are limited. Living in another country can be isolating when you are not used to the culture, and you do not have your church family with you.

Early Life and Conversion

I grew up in a Catholic environment until the age of 11. Then my parents got divorced, and we stopped going to church. At that time, I never knew Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. When I stopped going to church, I also stopped learning about God because my family never prayed or talked about God. I always remembered that God loved me, but I didn’t know I could have a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.

In 2008 at the age of 32, my life was spiraling out of control. My father passed away and I questioned the purpose of this life. I had an alcohol addiction like my father and masked my emotional pain with it. My heart became so heavy that I could not lift my head from the pillow. I had to have time off work because I had become very sick from my addiction. As I lay in bed, all I could think of was a story I read about a lady who said: “God take control of my life.” After thinking about that story for a while, I said: “Okay God, that’s it. I give up; take control of my life.”

After I said that prayer, my life miraculously started to change. God brought a lady into my life who befriended me and eventually led me to church. Within five months of saying that prayer, I had received Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Jesus instantly set me free from my alcohol addiction (John 8:36), and later He also healed me from a broken heart (Psalm 147:3).

My Spiritual Dream and Free Education at CLI

My spiritual dream is to raise up a generation of people who will lose their life for Christ (Matthew 10:39). God placed this scripture within my spirit at my salvation, and it has never left me. Some of the obstacles I have faced in my journey with Jesus have been the fact that I am the first of my generation to receive salvation. No one in my family except for my great-aunt was saved, which I found out later, but I was not in contact with her. This has been difficult, but praise God He strengthened me through His Word, my church leaders, and church family. Thanks to God’s Grace, I have seen many of my family members and the next generation receive Jesus.

Christian Leader’s Institute (CLI) has provided me with support and confidence. I know that I have been called by God to bring the gospel to the community around me. CLI is like a friend that helps me to stay strong in God. It keeps me moving forward no matter where other people are in their spiritual journey. As a missionary, I need further education to keep me motivated and connected to the Body of Christ to impact the community around me for Jesus.

Free Education Whenever and Wherever You Are

Whenever I do any classes through CLI, I feel built up in the Lord and equipped to continue in my spiritual journey on a deeper level. We are only as great as our teachers, and as I learn and advance in my studies, I feel more confident and supported to help those around me. I am excited to see what CLI is going to teach me each day. In fact, I don’t usually look forward to studying, but with CLI, I am interested to learn and hungry to know more. CLI’s free education and learning model have helped me to study whenever and wherever it suits me. Sometimes, I travel, but if I have access to the internet, I can always continue to do my studies.

Learn about ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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