Free Bible Schooling Online

My Journey to Free Bible Schooling at CLI: My Side Walk and My Salvation Walk

My name is Joseph Nyamari, and I am excited about free Bible schooling at CLI. From Kenya, East Africa, I am 51 years old, a born again Christian, and love Jesus, my Lord, and my Savior. My local church is Rehema Pentecostal Assemblies of God, situated in Migori Town, Kenya. My spiritual father/mentor is Rev. John Okari, who is also the Senior Pastor. I am a father of two children – a daughter and a son. Though separated from their mother, I am trusting God for a restoration of my marriage.

I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Linguistics and Philosophy from the Kenyatta University of Kenya. I also completed a Postgraduate Diploma course in Mass Communication from The School of Journalism, University of Nairobi, though I did not graduate due to financial constraints.

My Side Walk on My Journey to Free Bible Schooling

What I refer to as my sidewalk started in my childhood. I was born into a Roman Catholic Church family. They were staunch adherents. My father died when I was barely five years old, and so I did not get to know much of him. Although, they told me he was a staunch Christian. I was brought up by my mum, who ensured I got oriented wholly into the Catholic Church. I am grateful to her because she introduced me to God. Therefore, I grew up us a God-fearing person. It is my “side walk” because though I knew about God, Jesus, and the Roman Catholic teachings, I never got to experience a personal relationship with my Creator and my Savior.

As a young boy, I felt a strong calling to join the priesthood. As a result, I spent the whole of my boyhood serving as an altar boy. When I attended High School, this went a notch higher because my school was owned by the Catholic Church and run by Catholic Brothers. The brothers’ influence made me change my ministry calling from priesthood to brotherhood. I now aspired to become an ordained Roman Catholic Brother.

As I advanced in my High School education, the brothers took me in as “visitor” in their formation house. It was the initial stage towards training into the brotherhood. However, the story changed when I got excellent grades in my studies. There developed a negative and hostile attitude towards me from my fellow trainees and the Brothers themselves. Later, I learned that they were all scared of my academic excellence. This animosity made me drop out of the training. I am glad I did because I could still be side-walking with my God today in the name of serving Him.

My Salvation Walk on My Journey to Free Bible Schooling

With the advent of the Pentecostal Movement in Kenya, I became curious but suspicious of the born again Christians. I assisted one priest in doing an anti-born-again movie called “Je Umeokoka?” which translates as “Are You Really Saved.” This movie was a mockery of the Pentecostal Movement portraying them as mere pretenders.

But as time went by, the Lord drew me closer to Him as I listened keenly to the messages of the preachers. Finally, I accepted Jesus as my Savior in the year 2001 through a Kenyan radio evangelist. Later, I joined a PEFA church in Kahawa West, Nairobi, Kenya. That is how I started my salvation walk and my journey to free Bible schooling.

My Ministry Calling and Free Bible Schooling at CLI

As for my ministry calling, it had grown cold. Then, my current local church pastor and my spiritual mentor approached me with a proposal. He wanted me to take up a ministry role in our church. This proposal took me by surprise, but I told him to give me time to pray about it. I prayed and prayed. It was clear that the Holy Spirit was ministering to me. Thus, I remembered my childhood call to ministry and accepted my pastor’s proposal. The Holy Spirit further guided me to seek training to gain ministry competency and confidence.

I couldn’t afford formal ministry training. Therefore, I went online and searched for free Bible schooling. While searching, the Holy Spirit guided me to Christian Leaders Institute. I am grateful I found CLI. God is doing a new and powerful Kingdom fulfillment in me through the ministry training with CLI. For anybody out there seeking ministry training, CLI is your one-stop site. Long live, CLI!

Learn about ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

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