Free Bible School Studies


Free Bible School Studies at CLI

My name is Femmy Dethan-Bouwman and I take free Bible School Studies at Christian Leaders Institute. Together with my husband Edwer Dethan and our five children Moses, Grace, Micah, Sam, and Aizaach, we live in Kupang, Indonesia.

Early Life on My Journey to Free Bible School Studies

I was born and raised in a Christian family on a dairy farm in the Netherlands. Although I look back upon a beautiful childhood of country living, I indeed did not inherit the farm genes. From an early age, missionary work had a tender spot in my heart. When looking back, it is incredible to see how the Lord prepared me all along for His specific plan for me.

After grade 9, I decided to train to become a hairdresser. I started as an apprentice at age 16 and graduated four years later. Although I learned a lot in terms of dealing with people, hairdressing was not the life goal that God had in mind for me. In 1998, I quit my job and signed up with Operation Mobilisation for a 6-month training at the LUKE Training Centre in Birmingham, UK. It was a wonderful time of learning scripture, different ways of evangelism, and lots of opportunities to bring God’s word to others.

Changes on My Journey to Free Bible School Studies

During my time in the UK, my parents decided to immigrate to Canada. Having been away from my hometown for six months and ready for a new direction, this decision was an answer to prayer! Initially, I picked up my hairdressing skills again to save up for college. However, the Lord had a different plan.

In early 2001, I met my husband, and we were married the following year. We both shared the same vision, spreading God’s word. My husband was born and raised in Indonesia. He desired to work and minister among the people of his hometown. Sent by the Canadian Reformed Churches, Indonesia is where we have been working now for over 16 years.

Free Bible School Studies at CLI

The responsibilities of being a wife and mother primarily fill my days. That includes homeschooling our five blessings. Now that the three oldest can study independently, I have more time on hand to continue my studies as well. I am very thankful for the opportunity Christian Leaders Institute for free Bible School studies. It allows me to do this at home at my own pace. It is my hope and prayer that through these studies, I will be able to better minister to those God has put around me.

The words of Psalm 46:10 have always greatly comforted and encouraged me:
“Be still and know that I am God.”

Learn about the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School degree opportunities.

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