Free Bible School in Kenya

Free Bible School in KenyaA free Bible school in Kenya is needed for many reasons. One reason that is not talked about very much is that there are hundreds of cults that have risen up in eastern Africa among those who cannot afford seminary training or Bible school training. These cults lead tens of thousands astray. According to this Citizen TV report cults prey on those in poverty and those who do not have access to education.

Christian Leaders Institute offers a free Bible school in Kenya so that every Christian leader has a place to receive high quality Biblical seminary training connected to a local mentor or pastor. This ministry training will be even more accessible as Internet costs decrease and Internet accessibility increases everywhere in Kenya.

Free Bible School in Kenya Student Profile

Pastor Martin N. Muiruri is a pastor of a church in Nairobi, Kenya. Pastor Martin N. Muiruri came to know the Lord through some youth who would tell him about Jesus. Martin had a dream of reaching many people with the gospel and then equipping them to serve the Lord in the historic orthodox Christian faith. He said,

I had a deep desire to tell people about Jesus which I did almost everywhere, at school, at work, in the matatu (public vehicles), in the church, etc. I feel bad when I see believers being deceived and when I see people living in sin. My area is full of cults and diviners who pose as prophets and apostles and are leading many astray. There is also a lot of poverty and ignorance.

Pastor Martin and his wife are a team in spreading the gospel:

My wife is also a preacher, like myself, and a singer who leads worship in our services. CLI sponsorship will make us more equipped to serve better and be more knowledgeable in the things of God.

Pastor Martin and his wife have asked for prayer that God would supply all their needs including basic needs like rent and electricity. At least Pastor Martin does not have to worry about paying for a Biblical education. This free Bible school in Kenya will supply him with a world class Biblical education.

Christian Leaders Institute will do everything in our power to provide called revival leaders with ministry training. For Pastor Martin and others in his country this free Bible School in Kenya will help them confront cult teaching and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Here is a endorsement from one of our students from Facebook.

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2 replies
  1. Yolette Francklin
    Yolette Francklin says:

    When you ready to serve God he always provide materiel for his work,This is where CLI fit on christian’s life

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