Free Bible School Education

Free Bible School Education at CLI

My name is Jonathan Samza, and I am receiving free Bible School education at CLI. Currently, I live in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. My wife and I run a franchise business to make a living. I grew up in a Christian family.

Early Years

Initially, I am from Myanmar. In 1999, I left my country and, later, joined the exile political organization based in Thailand. While I was with the organization, every single day, we talked about the political issues, war, refugees from the battles, conflicts among each armed group and their territory, illegal migrant workers, and so on. Nobody talked about God, but sometimes the religious persecution issues came up. At the time, I never thought much about the church.

In 2007, I resettled to America under the refugee resettlement program for a better future. Life is not always the way we want it to be. It is not easy. Sometimes, life is upside down and filled with bitterness and toughness. Since then, I gradually realized that I need God. I am nothing without Him.

Starting Myanmar Community Churches in the USA

We formed the very first Myanmar community church in late 2008. Everybody was happy because we could welcome new refugees and help each other. We can worship and preach in our language. At that time, we didn’t have any experience in how to form a church. I served as a volunteer Administration Secretary at the time. I tried my best to organize and wrote a church constitution and bylaw.

During a decade, the number of churches increased up to almost twenty in Charlotte and the surrounding area. If you look it up, for the church planting, you will say, wow! Praise the Lord! The number of churches increased not because of the gospel or because of new believer increase. It grew because the existing churches split up for various reasons and formed new churches.

As for my community, people came from the same country, but they are from different cultural backgrounds, different races, tribes, and speak different dialects. It makes it more complicated. The people that belong to the same ethnic group, tribe, clan, and so on make a church group and worship their way. Some don’t even have a pastor. Most of these churches are led by those with less Bible knowledge and are incompetent leaders. Then, due to both personal issues and conflicts of interest, the church would split. Sad to say, these repeat again and again.

My Involvement and Questions

Since I came to the USA, I got involved in many community churches. So far, I have “experience of transferring” from one church to another. It’s a mixture of good and bad experiences. I learned a lot of lessons from it. Sometimes, the church pastor says that he is a founder of the church. It leads to misunderstanding among its church members and, finally, a split.

I am trying to figure it out. I’m thinking about what my capability and the right thing to do in this situation is. I’m not saying that the churches do not worship God. They do, but some are departing from the truth and falling away from the truth. As a result, some believers are reluctant to attend the church. Some don’t want to participate in any activity. However, some believers keep moving from one church to another. How can the true gospel reach the lost souls? How can the unbelievers come to know Jesus as their Savior and the Creator of the universe? How many churches are like this in the world?

Led to Free Bible School Education at CLI

In my opinion, the church or a group of saved people is one of the strongholds for Christianity, and that’s why a healthy church is crucial (Acts. 2:36-47). So many questions come into my mind regarding this issue.

Therefore, my prayer is to equip myself with ministry training so I can equip God’s people to serve all people and to build up the body of Christ. Then one day, I want to go back to Myanmar, the country where I was born. I want to nurture people in the truth of God’s love through helping, preaching, teaching, and fellowship.

I am so thankful that the Christian Leaders Institute exists. I am especially grateful for the free Bible school education they offer. This free ministry training will help me to become a strong Christian leader. I want to be a leader who can understand the truth about the word of God and fully understand ministry in God’s kingdom.

Learn about ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

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