Free Bible School Courses Online

Free Bible School Courses Online

My name is Scott Hutton, and I presently live in Sitka, Alaska, USA. I have had an awesome experience at Christian Leaders Institute getting these free Bible School courses online in my home. I have enjoyed the flexibility of the classes, the ability to be able to work ahead and to fit classes in whenever I have time (because the videos and readings are always available). I have met multiple brothers and sisters on chat and with the message board, their lives and profiles always inspire me. I enjoy logging onto my page and seeing how many of my fellow students are hungry for the word of God and desire to draw nearer to Him on a consistent basis. I have inspired my father-in-law to start taking these free Bible school courses online for his benefit. We have grown closer together from sharing with one another what we are learning, sometimes on a daily basis. I feel constantly encouraged to seek more knowledge by reaching for the different certificates and diplomas.

Since I have accepted my call to minister (serve), I have been burdened to show myself approved, to train myself in godliness, and CLI is giving me that opportunity. For that, I am eternally grateful. I believe that my ordination will speak to others as to the time I have put into seeking truth in the scriptures. But most importantly, I feel that it will be a constant reminder to me, that I am to be actively seeking and modeling the word of God for myself, my family and my neighbors.

I guess the ministry that I would most identify with would be a small group leader. As for right now I am seeking God’s face for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and His direct calling on my life. I know that I am called to do more than just sit in a pew, so I desire to prepare for whatever God has for me. I want to be a good servant, to spread the good news, and to be effective in my work for Christ.

Before I left Cleveland, I served as a parking lot attendant, a teacher for pre-teens, and I spoke to various groups about the gospel. Since I have been in Sitka I have been asked to speak to teenagers in and outside of my church, I have stepped into a role with the Civil Air Patrol as a character development instructor, and I have begun the process to be a lay leader (chaplains assistant) in my Coast Guard unit. My pastor has also taken me on for personal mentoring, I truly believe that God has led me to this remote location just to learn from him.

Free Bible School Courses Online In Alaska

I live on an island created by volcanoes in southeast Alaska, because of the location, the mindset of the people is a very small town. This is great in that people are very friendly and welcoming but they are also very set in their ways. The downside is the lack of mobility to be exposed to the rest of the world and the opportunities to try different things. The other challenge is the difficulty of getting supplies here, and the lack of visitors.

My pastor believes I have a gifting to a pastor but that I lack the confidence in my abilities and my walk. He and my new church family have opened their church and homes and hearts to me in a way that I don’t have space to explain. These people love me, and I love them back. I have never in my life felt more encouraged to draw nearer to my God. My pastor has opened up his library and his office to me and when I am ready, he will open up his pulpit to me. I discuss all that I am doing in CLI with him, and he is teaching me even more in addition. CLI has given me a more structured and well-rounded view of the ministry.

I have a big brother in the ministry that served as my mentor in Cleveland, and he wants to plant a multilingual church in Tampa ay, Florida. I have told him that I would love to come help him with that endeavor if it is God’s will. I am also looking at starting a prison outreach at the local jail here in Sitka, but I’m not quite sure how to start. Lastly, I need prayers for strength and obedience. It seems that I will be moving into a season soon where I will be feeding people multiple times a week, and I need to stay organized and encouraged.  God bless you, Amen! These Free Bible School Courses Online have changed my life!

The LORD blesses you and keep you; the LORD makes His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turns His face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26 NKJV

And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Did He say to them, “Why are you so Afraid? Have you still no faith?” And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this? That even the wind and sea obey him?” -Mark 4:39-41

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