Free Bible College Recommendation

Free Bible College Recommendation

Free Bible College Recommendation – My name is Grace V. Hughes and I live outside of Houston, Texas in the United States of America. I am the youngest of four, I am 52 years old. I was born in Texas but lived in Venezuela until I was 20 years old. At that age, I moved to the United States to attend college. My husband and I have been married 25 years, we have five children and two grandchildren. Currently, my husband and I alternate serving in two churches as Camera Operators.

I came to know Jesus Christ through my grandmother Grace. Here is my account: I was raised in a wealthy home but God was not considered relevant in our family even though we attended church and I attended an all-girl Catholic school. At 21 years of age, I witnessed my grandmother’s death after her long battle with cancer. After she took her last breath, I questioned where her spirit went. During the five months after her death, I questioned my own eternity. So, on May 18th, 1986, shortly after turning 22 years old, I decided to make Jesus Christ my Lord and my Savior.

There are two aspects of my life experience which have defined my ministry dream: my upbringing and my involvement with various churches and ministries for almost 31 years. First, my family home life was dysfunctional. My dad was extremely controlling and my mom was extremely submissive. These behaviors set the tone in my home for unhealthy behaviors between all of us family members. I grew up always thinking of myself as never good enough, scared and insecure. But everything changed after I became a Christian. Through a series of circumstances, God began to heal my wounded emotions. Many years later, I know I am very imperfect. But I also know within myself that I am forgiven and I am priceless in God’s eyes. Next, over the years of serving in different churches and ministries, I realized there are people that are just as broken as I was. Since I have the gift of listening, a “sound board”, I wish to become a Chaplain or a Counselor. In other words, a Small Group Leader. A setting where I can connect with people that are experiencing a difficult time in their lives and in which they can be heard by me, I can pray with them, and I can provide general advice to their situation.

Losing my day job prompted me to begin pursuing ministry. In 2010, I survived one of many layoffs. I realized then that the Corporate world would not be my final career destination. Recently, in 2016, I did not survive this last layoff. I concluded then that the time was right to begin ministry training. A church friend gave a Free Bible College Recommendation for CLI. I did my research and realized CLI is a legitimate online Bible College.

Regarding employment, it is of great importance that I gain full-time work again. However, I am looking for work in two areas: regular office work and working for non-profit organizations, whether the job is in the Christian or secular industries. Going through CLI will aid in fine-tuning my Bible knowledge and prepare me for ministry whether in a paid position or a volunteer position.

The scholarship from CLI is highly significant to me since I am unable to afford the traditional four-year college tuition and I believe it is not financially beneficial to our family to be in debt. (As a matter of fact, as a family we have been going through financial counseling to better manage our finances and, eventually, bet out of debt!). The scholarship takes away the monetary obstacle and burden and allows me to freely pursue great Biblical training and preparation for Kingdom work.

Regarding the two local churches I serve in and my family, I have their 100 % support and prayers in my Bible College endeavors.

My most important prayer request is for a healthy balance between home life, work life, and able to successfully complete in a timely manner all the courses offered by CLI.

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