Fleashia Ford is currently enrolled in several Bible school classes at Christian Leaders Institute. She has also completed some classes, and many of these classes ask the students to share what they have learned. In her reflection paper on Church and Ministry, Fleashia says “I will forever utilize what I learned about evangelism in this course. I’ve come to know and believe that sharing the Word of God is what ministry is all about. Teaching and sharing with people what Jesus has commanded.  In order to do this you have got to know the Word for yourself and this comes through study, prayer and meditation.” She later says, “Finally I thank you for touching on hospitality. In our African American Culture it is more common for members to be hospitable toward the Pastor and family. But we too have to hospitable and approachable to people. ” These are two areas of this Bible school course that will have a lasting impact on her ministry.

While our Bible school brings the information to students, it is the Holy Spirit that teaches them what they need to learn for their ministry. One thing that the Holy Spirit wanted Fleashia to discover in Pastoral Care and Marriage was the importance of conflict. She writes, “Conflict can turn into a wild fire and destroy lives, witness and testimonies. The bible says that the tongue can do a lot of damage and cause a lot of destruction.  We have wild fires here in Oklahoma , especially in these times of drought. If a wild fire is not dealt with property, live stock and lives can be lost. Well this applies to the spiritual realm as well.  Every wild presents opportunities for ministry and conflict resolution.  How you deal with the conflict directly determines the outcome.  If you don’t deal with the wildfire in the right way you can cause even more problems. But if you deal with the conflict God’s way you can bring peace and blessings instead of further destruction.  That is why it’s important to keep a close walk with God in His word and in prayer.”

Online Bible School Certificates

To enroll in the Bible school classes on which Fleashia is reflecting, she first had to obtain the CLI Christian Basics Certificate. This orientation to the Christian Leaders Institute online Bible school structure also asks students to talk a little about themselves and their ministry dreams. In her introductory letter, Fleashia “My dream is to continue with the great commission of Jesus, preach the word in season and out, and help my Husband who is a pastor to win lost souls.” It is this dream that caused her to pursue Bible school. Her pursuit of a quality Bible School led her to Christian Leaders Institute, which provides a quality Bible school experience without expense to the student.

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