Sometimes God has to tear our lives down so we can find new life in Him. It may not be pleasant in the moment, but we must realize that it is for our good.

Max Cuao of Colombia experienced this. He tells how he was in a dark place in his life and visited a neighbor for help. It turned out the neighbor he visited was the one God was using to show Max and his family the way to find new life in Jesus.

Blessings brothers in Jesus Christ.

My name is Max. I live in Bogotá Colombia, and I have a beautiful family with three children and my wife.

I knew about Jesus Christ about 4 years ago when I was in a very difficult situation. My wife and I went to a neighbor for help. Our neighbor was attending a Christian church, and he told us about of Jesus and what God had done in his life.

From that moment we choose to believe in Jesus Christ as our savior, and God changed all of our life. God gave us the peace that we were needing, and today we are leaders in the congregation by God’s amazing grace.

As it so often happens, God brought new life to Max and his family that day, but He also gave him a calling. Max felt that God wanted him to do more. God had given him so much, and he wanted to be able to give back.

We dream of being pastors someday, we feel that God has called us as the apostle Peter (John 21: 15-19) Do you love me? Feed my sheep.

But where was Max going to get training to become a pastor? He was able to find new life only a short time ago. His life was in shambles at the time, and he still didn’t have money for seminary. But thanks be to God, who answers prayer even when it seems impossible!

A scholarship at CLI is so important to our ministry dream because we want a quality formation to serve our Lord as good as possible for us, and we don’t have enough money and now I am unemployed and my financial situation is not the best and in my country quality training is in the most of cases expensive.

Max’s experience with God led him to a deep trust in his Lord and Savior. It’s this trust that pushes him to follow through on his ministry training. This faith assures him that God will provide if he follows Jesus. This faith compels him to help others find new life in the Lord Jesus.

We have faith and we are sure that God will supply all our needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

You can help us praying for God give us the strength to keep on the way of serving to Jesus Christ.

If you, like Max, have been called to a ministry, Christian Leaders Institute could help you achieve your goals. With a variety of study programs, CLI offers a path for many areas of leadership in the church. This includes Bible Study leaders, pastors, elders, deacons, and more. If you think you could benefit from free ministry training, click here to enroll in classes now!

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