Few Christians that attend church regularly and practice Christian family life live in this man’s town.

Nathan has decided to learn to be a pastor at Christian Leaders Institute.

Even though his past is shaky he has overcome with Jesus to find his calling.


Hello, my name is Nathan Parrott. I live in the United States in a small Colorado town. There are a few Christians here but not as many as there should be. The majority of the people who currently live in our area are people who work in the oil field and gas industry. I have yet to meet any of these people who are Christian or practice Christian living. I feel that it is my duty to try and change this.

In 2013 I was prosecuted by the Federal Government for something that I hadn’t done. It was because of another person’s greed that I was incarcerated for the entire year. At first I was very angry and could not forgive this person for what they had done to me. There are a few Christians who know what I mean.

I made friends with another prisoner who started to talk to me about the Bible and its teachings. I was interested in what he had to say. As a child I had attended bible school on a regular basis. In jail I decided to continue those studies and take them a little further. I started to have Bible studies with the few Christians there in jail on a regular schedule. I enjoyed reading the Scriptures and discussing it with the group.

In my off time during the day I would sit outside and think about what we had studied. It was at this time that I learned to understand all the wrong and the hurt that I had done to my fellow man. I regretted the life that I had led up to that point in time.

Ephesians 4:1-32 ESV / “I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism,”

It was one of these days that I felt that the Lord was calling me and that he was telling me that I should right what wrongs I had done in my life. I felt that it was time that “I” became born again. I confessed to the Lord my sins and asked for forgiveness. When I made that decision it was like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. After I became born again I continued my studies. I felt I was being called to bring Gods people to him through his word and decided that the best way to do that was to become a Minister and bring the word to them. Few Christians in our area take action to teach.

Christian Leaders Institute, (CLI), can give me a quality education that will enable me to go forth and spread the word. Without their help it would be much harder for me to get a quality education in  ministry. To be able to understand the Bible, bring it to people in need of God’s word and be able to answer their questions is invaluable. I greatly appreciate what CLI has done for me up to this period of time and am looking forward to continuing my education through them.

With my decision to go into Ministry my community and my family have been very supportive. Knowing that I do not have to leave the area to get an education for the ministry is of great value. Few Christians today take the time to get educated.

It is my plan to plant a church after I have finished with my education. I believe that the Lord is leading me into this education so that I have the ability to share his word. Being a Pastor is what I am striving for. With God’s help and the help of CLI I will become the best Pastor that I can be. With their help I will be able to preach the Gospel and be able to maintain my congregation and church. So few Christians today learn how to do this. the education that I will obtain from CLI will allow me to carry on what The Lord has planned for me.

God Bless everyone at Christian Leaders Institute. And God Bless all of those who attend CLI.

It seems today few Christians in need are offered tools to help their lives. Here at Christian Leaders Institute we strive to provide everyone God’s tools for good lives. To become a student or learn more CLICK HERE! To donate toward a student’s tuition CLICK HERE!
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