Learn more about how the self-denial of fasting can create a space for Christ.
Increasing our longing for the Lord
Fasting can be a very important and valuable discipline that can yield great results in our faith. Fasting is a way we can increase our longing for God. It also can be a practice that helps us humble ourselves by purposefully denying something in our life. Traditionally this has been food and we see examples of that in the Bible.
- A form of worship
- More time for Christ
- Open our ears to His purpose
"While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them."
Acts 13:2
This passage is an example of how fasting can be a form of worship to God. Restricting ourselves from a certain thing can give us more time to worship and glorify Christ.
Also, this chapter in Acts shows how when we take time to fast that God can speak to us. The fasting gave the clarity and quiet for the Holy Spirit to speak to them and tell them that he has set Barnabas and Saul apart for specific kingdom work.
This encourages us to practice fasting as a way to allow for God to be able to tell us what He is calling us to do. Fasting can open our ears to hear the desires and purposes that God has prepared for us.
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