family ministry

Family Ministry

My name is Amanda Williams. I currently live in The United States of America. I am the mother of 10 children, and the wife of a loving supportive God Fearing Husband.

I grew up in a very dysfunctional home life. My mother and my father were very abusive. I was beaten and raped by my parents at a very young age. I knew from early on in life that there was something more, Someone more! My parents weren’t religious, and they never spoke the word of God.

However, at the age of 7, I was blessed with the ability to live with my grandparents, my grandfather who was a pastor who practiced loving family ministry in the home. He taught me the word of God, and how God will use my life, and my testimony to bring others to Him. I was baptized when I was eight years old and have been active in the church and ministry since.

I associate with the word “Pastor.”  A Pastor, is accountable to God, for your soul. A Pastor is much like a Shepard over a flock of sheep. Corralling them if they stray, protecting them from harm and caring for them when they are weak. Much like I’ve done my entire life.

The key experience over my life, that prompted me to start family ministry or community ministry work, was the more I would tell God, that I didn’t want to do serve, that I didn’t want to be that person, the more it was evident, His plan is going to win regardless of what I wanted. Reaching out, and helping other women that were in abusive situations, and helping them come to the Lord was the iceberg that showed me, who I was.. Who I was supposed to be!

There are several unique challenges in my area. First, we live in a very poverty mind set city. People have grown accustomed to the drugs, the gangs, the general lack of finances, housing, food. Crime rates are high as people are allowing Satan to bait them instead of allowing God to guide and direct them.
My home church is very supportive in my ministry work. My Pastor, whom I sit under three times a week, is not only very intelligent but also very compassionate about the world outside the church walls.
My family is actively involved in many areas of ministry work. My husband is a Deacon, my son’s are Jr. Deacons and my daughters assist me with hospitality and ministry outreach. We daily attempt to go above and beyond to show everyone we come in contact with the love of Jesus.

This scholarship is very important to my calling of the ministry. Not only does it give me the opportunity to grow in knowledge but also to be able to share this family ministry with my children. That is not all I can share ministry with others that I come in contact with!

I ask that prayers be said, for my spiritual heads. My pastors. May they never give up the zeal and the desire to serve, that they never grow weary, tired or downhearted as they complete their ministry, that they are blessed abundantly above and beyond our minds can think of.

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