Pastor Henry Reyenga Jr.
Dr. David Feddes
Vice President | Provost
Dr. Gabriela Tijerina-Pike
Dr. Gabriela Tijerina-Pike- E-Professor in Spanish
John Chen
Dean - Chinese
Dr. Paul Mpindi
Dean - French
Bob Zomermaand |
Dean - Degree Program
Dr. Green
Dr. Roger Green - E Professor
E-Professor in Counseling Kristine Koetje-Balder
Kristine Koetje-Balder- E-Professor in Counseling
Pastor Steve Elzinga
Dean - Christian Leaders Enterprise
Brian DeCook
Carolyn Osiek
Dr. Carolyn Osiek
Roy Clouser
Dr. Roy Clouser, Professor of Philosophy
Director of Training and Resources for the DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative (DVULI)
E-Professor - Ron Carter
Ben Ingebretson
E-Professor - Church Renewal
Dr. Ed Roels
E-Professor - Theology
Dr. Ted Hildebrandt
Heidi Vonderheide
E-Professor - Biology
Dr. Wayne Brouwer
Kristin Webster
E-Professor - Psychology
Ren Broekhuizen
E-Professor - Evangelism
Ray Vander Laan
Educational Resource
Andrew Vanden Heuvel
E-Professor - Science
Dr. Jeff Weima
E-Professor - Biblical Hermeneutics
Chris Engelsma
E-Professor - Core English
Susan De La Fuente – Professor ESL
E-Professor - M.A. Reading Specialist
John DeVries
E-Professor - Saturation Evangelism
Dr. Bruce Ballast
E-Professor - Missions
Dr. Drew Brown
E-Professor - Pastoral Care
Ken Dignan
E-Professor - Disabilities Concerns
Joel Miller
E-Professor - Practical Theology
Duane Nieuwsma
E-Professor - Chapels
Pedro Aviles
E-Professor - Bible
Dr. Voddie Baucham
E-Professor - Apologetics
The Late Dr. Francis Schaeffer
1/30/1912 - 5/15/1984
Dr. Tyrone Tillery
YouTube - History | Literature
Dr. Sally Vaughn
YouTube - History
Dr. Kevin Leman
YouTube - Pastor Care Conversations
Don G. Therasse, MD
Dr. Donald Therasse
Armando Fonseca – Spanish Professor
Spanish E-Professor
Alex Barron – Professor/Financial Advisor
Professor/Financial Advisor
Michael Greene
E-Professor - Business
Dr. Mark Vander Meer E-Professor Domestic Tranquility Professor in The Restorative Justice Program
Dr. Mark Vander Meer- E-Professor in Domestic Tranquility
E-Professor in Marketing- Tom Tubergen
Tom Tubergen- E-Professor in Marketing
Larry Kreider
Larry Kreider- E-Professor of Church Planting
Marty Ozinga III - E-Professor in Practical Enterprise Mentor