evangelize the world

Shawn’s call to evangelize the world didn’t come as you might expect. In fact, before Shawn was called to evangelize the world, he was part of a large cult that preaches a gospel different from the gospel of Christ. But after years in this cult, Shawn was looking for a real relationship with God. What he got in 2014 was more than just a relationship: it was a personal calling on his life to evangelize the world!

I am Shawn, husband of Victoria Jenkins and father to 5 children, 3 girls and 2 boys. We live in United States, New York. I work in Purchasing, Computer, Automotive, and Nursing.

Originally, I was searching with my wife for a relationship with God after years of myself being a “Jehovah’s Witness.” I heard a sermon speaking about being saved given by Charles Stanley, and then realized that I never had been saved and what it all meant. This happened around early July 2014.

After that, I had what felt like a door to a dam open and out poured gallons upon gallons of Bible understanding that I did not have before. In all the years of being a “Witness” I had a form of bible knowledge but not understand which only “Holy Spirit” can truly bring, and “boy did it bring it!” Shortly after I have had an ever increasing desire to teach and take care of God’s sheep “it’s all I think of…”

I am looking to become a Pastor and then one day open a place where people can come and be encouraged, loved and taught about God, his son Jesus Christ and to help them discover his awesome will, plan and purpose for their life! God has been so merciful to me, and I want to spend my every moment living in his way and doing his work until he calls us home.

Having a scholarship here at CLI will help me become an ordained pastor, give me the better understanding of the Bible and background knowledge which is vital to being a shepherd of God’s flock. I want to be “Thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Tim. 3:17).

I truly want to give all the people a ministry that does not compromise God’s word for selfish gain. I want to give people a shelter of support when under attack from Satan and a place to be trained to be workers for the Lord for this great harvest at hand!

Matthew 9:37 & 38 – “Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;
Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.”

There are many spiritual tables to eat from, but most of the food is tainted (Lack of real Bible Teaching). There is also a need to help fix the family unit with God’s thinking!

My ministry dream is to evangelize the entire planet the best way that “we” can with God’s help!!!

Prayer for me: That God can give me the discernment and wisdom to make the right choices that lead to people seeing a walking representation of Jesus Christ!

Are you called to evangelize the world for the glory of God and Jesus Christ, His Son? Would you benefit from free ministry training with certificates and diplomas? If so, CLI may be for you! Click here to sign up and be enrolled in our first course today!

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