Ministry Training for Called Evangelists in Switzerland
Charlett Duerr and her husband were called to be evangelists after the Lord sent a friend who brought them to church. At the time, Charlett was experiencing a lot of pain and difficulty in her marriage.
Of course, they didn’t expect to be evangelists when they first came to church. In fact, neither had a particularly strong relationship with the Lord. But God knew their hearts, and through a friend of Charlett’s He reached out to them in their time of need. First Charlett agreed to go to church with her friend. Then, as the Lord restored her marriage, she got her husband to come as well. Now they are studying to be evangelists for Jesus while working in the children’s church ministry at their church.
My name is Charlett Duerr and I am currently living in Switzerland. I am part of a wonderful but small church family here and my husband and I are involved in the children’s church. We have 4 beautiful children of our own between the ages of six and fourteen.
I was born and raised in South Africa and was brought up by my mother and stepfather who was a Liberal Catholic Priest. He was a wonderful man and loved by all who met him. Unfortunately they were both very much involved with new age views and the occult and therefore I also grew up with these views. We always believed that Jesus was our king and saviour, but also that there were other masters like Buddha and that all served the same big true God.
After meeting my husband in Switzerland and living there for seven years, we decided to move to South Africa to be with my family again. It was the most wonderful 12 years of our lives, but not without it’s sorrows. In 2010 my beloved stepfather passed away after a long struggle with cancer. He was so troubled in the end and just would not let go of life. My sister and I could not understand how God could let him suffer like he did. We both had a big change in our faith. She turned to science and I was just not sure what to believe anymore.
My marriage was falling apart. Life was about fun and party and I drifted further and further away from God. My husband and I separated for six months, but he never stopped praying for me to come back. There was one loving person, my good friend Lize, who saw what was happening and she decided to give it her all with praying for my family. She kept inviting me to her church and finally one Sunday morning I gave in and went with her.
It was in this church where I met Jesus for real. The Holy Spirit talked to me through the pastor on the podium and it was as if I was the only person in the church that Sunday. What an incredible experience. A week later I was back with my husband and the following Sunday I convinced him, a Roman Catholic, to accompany me to my friend’s church. We enjoyed it so much that we went every Sunday and also joined worship nights and bible study groups. We both got baptised with our two oldest children. Six months later we both felt that God was calling us to Switzerland. We still do not know His plan for us here, but fully trust that it is good.
I was lost and that wonderful pastor made me feel found again on that Sunday. It is therefore my dream to find more lost souls who are seeking, and leading them to Jesus Christ our one true Lord. The German language is a bit of a challenge at this stage, but I practise and believe that I will soon master it.
My local church is helping me dig deeper and deeper into the wonderful Word of God and I enjoy every second of it. It feels as if somebody has handed me a treasure chest that I am unpacking bit by bit.
A CLI scholarship is important to my ministry dream, because I have a huge thirst for Bible knowledge and spiritual growth but not the financial means to pay for such a wonderful scholarship.
My family is under constant spiritual attacks and I would really appreciate all prayers to keep us standing strong together for God. He has a plan for us and we want to do His will.
Thank you so much CLI for this wonderful opportunity to further my knowledge of God and for all your loving prayers.
God has called some to be evangelists, some prophets, some apostles, some pastors, and some teachers (Ephesians 4:11). We’re not all called to be evangelists, but every believer is called to serve God in some ministry capacity. The free ministry training at Christian Leaders Institute can help any believer to have a more effective ministry for God. Click here to find out more.
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