Evangelistic Spiritual Dream

My Evangelistic Spiritual Dream

My name is Bryan Mayne, and I have an evangelistic spiritual dream. I reside in a township in regional Queensland, Australia. In my childhood, I grew up in a household where my mother was a Christian, and my father was a staunch atheist and mason. I attended church many times with my mother when younger to try and understand a bit more about it. One time, I had a pastor tell me I was stupid for not believing in God. That statement turned me away from the Church and God.

God Opened My Eyes

So after 44 years as an atheist myself, I woke up one day to the realization that the world IS turning away from God. I couldn’t understand this and believe I have been blessed with the mission, by our Lord and Savior, to do as much as I can to bring people back to Christianity. Being an Atheist for so many years, I initially had trouble comprehending the Bible, but by accepting the Holy Spirit into my heart, it all became clear.

I have a disability, which I now see as a good thing because it gives me the time to study with Christian Leaders Institute. When I complete these studies, I will devote many hours to serving the Lord as I fulfill my evangelistic spiritual dream. My Christian wife of 27 years also strengthened my faith since my realization that God loves us all dearly. Everything happens for a reason.

Free Training at CLI for my Evangelistic Spiritual Dream

Where I live, we have many who are trying to destroy religious freedom. These people want to ban Biblical events and teachings from the education system and public celebrations. Also, many ministers conduct themselves like so many across the world. They think they have the right to change and interpret the scriptures in a socialistic way to win favor. God’s Word is the only true Word and is NOT to be changed or misconstrued by anyone.

I am non-denominational to be able to minister to all. My evangelistic spiritual dream is to travel my great country, reaching those who are blind toward the One True God. I want to share with them God’s salvation plan. I would also like to help those at the end of their life. Then they can leave this world with the Lord in their hearts.

By completing as many courses at CLI as possible, I will be more grounded and prepared to reach my evangelistic spiritual dream. I thank God for CLI being here to give me the training I need so I can help others. God bless CLI and everyone who trains with them, whether it be to bring themselves closer to the Lord or minister to others.

Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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