I am originally from New York and I now live in Baltimore Maryland I have lived here in Baltimore Snapshot_20111126_1for the last six years. Being that I am in the U.S. I am free to exorcise my faith openly.

Ministry is my passion, I love talking to people about the goodness of Jesus and in my six years of being saved I must say that the only critics I have had to deal with is two family members that don’t want to except the fact that I am no longer the person I used to be and I no longer do the things I used to do.

I came to know the Lord as a child but I was not raised up in the church. I truly came to know the Lord one month after my 40th birthday I know the number 40 truly represents a lot in a spiritual since. i had just moved to Baltimore 6 months prior to getting save. there was a sign up on the church board that said ” DON’T WAIT FOR SIX STRONG MEN TO CARRY YOU INTO CHURCH. Every time I would see that sign something started to convict me I now know that it wasn’t something convicting me it was someone The Holy Spirit. So on August 31,2008 I gave my life to Christ and never looked back.

My ministry dream is to have an out reach center that offers a GED program teaches literacy and also teaches who Jesus is. I also desire to have some transitional housing for teen mothers who are trying to get their lives together for the Lord and for the sake of their children.

The word I identify with most is Past and that’s because God has already revealed to me that’s where he is taking me. I am now and Evangelist I’ve been preaching for four years. the first ministry I served on was the Usher Board, then the Youth Ministry in which I was also President and the Pastors Aide ministry. I love what God has called me to do

I got into ministry because I loved and still love the Lord and wanted to serve in his house and in His Kingdom in whatever way He desired me to. I don’t mind telling you when God was revealing my calling to preach I gave him every excuse under the sun why I couldn’t be a preacher needless to say Jesus won that debate hands down.

I have a few challenges in my area but I know they are a blessing in disguise. I live in an area where there is a lot of drug usage. I know what it is to be addicted to drugs being that I used them for a very long period of time. I say the location God has put me in is a blessing in disguise because God delivered me from them instantly when I gave my life to Him. the bible says God is no respecter of person what he will do foe one He will do for another. it’s because of my testimony I can go outside and witness to the saving,healing and deliverance power of the Lord.

I was at my 1st church home for 5 1/2 years that where i answered my call to preach and where i served on numerous ministries I truly love my pastor, first lady and church family there. I knew God was about to move and elevate me but what i didn’t know is that my time there was coming to an end because my Pastor was retiring. I’ve been at my new church home for 3 months now but iv’e been a part of the family for almost a year. My Chief Apostle teaches us gives all of the ecclesiastical lots of preaching assignments and encourages us to do lots of out reach we actually go out in groups and minister to God’s people

My husband is a Deacon in the church and my children are my biggest cheerleaders next to Jesus. My mom still lives in New York and she is also a Christian shes very active in ministry and yes she is a proud always bragging about her daughter the preacher. My mom supports me 100% and will take that 3 1/2 hour drive when I’m doing something special in ministry.

A scholarship to C.L.I means the world to me. I know where The Lord is taking me I need more schooling and I wan’t to be prepared to do what thus says The Lord. I am dealing with two injuries right now and i have to have surgery for therm both. I am unable to work due to my situation so financially things are tight. I was so excited when I saw C.L.I on a facebook page and immediately began to praise God because I had been praying for The Lord to send me back to school and I knew this was my answered prayer.

Please pray that The Lord will use the Ministry that He has placed in me to lead the lost to Him,please also pray that my family and I will continue to serve the Lord together as a family and that I will continue to proclaim the Gospel with boldness and minister in love.

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