Evangelist to the Homeless

Evangelist to the Homeless

Join today and receive a scholarship towards becoming an Evangelist to the Homeless or a leader in Christian ministry. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who found CLI and is using the scholarship to become an Evangelist to the Homeless and spread the word of God.

June 23, 2017

Greetings, my name is Paul Hess. I live in Menlo Park California, it is about a half hour drive from the city of San Francisco. My story begins 20 years ago I had just moved to California from New York for a job as a Private Chef for a wealthy family, it’s also where I met the love of my life, my future wife. I had been searching for God for quite some time, I knew there had to be something more to life than just work, friendships, and all that worldly stuff.

I had searched for God in many books and Bibles, I read new age religion books, Buddhists books, I lit many candles and prayed to many saints, I watch many different evangelists on TV and I found nothing in any of those things. One day I was driving in my car and accidentally hit the wrong button on the radio and it tuned into a Christian radio station. I drove around all day and the next listening to these pastors talk about how The Father loved me so much He gave his only Son to die for me. That day while driving in my car I gave my heart to The Lord.

I joined a church and over the years I served in many ministries but never felt called to do them. I continued to pray to the Lord to serve in a ministry where He wanted me to serve. Then one day I was reading Romans chapter 10:14 and then I looked up and I had a vision I saw my family and I walking in the streets of San Francisco evangelizing the homeless. I looked down at the Bible and the next verse jumped out at me verse 15 says And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” and I knew this was the ministry The Lord had for me. We provide clothes, shoes, blankets, and most important the opportunity to preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified to what the world considers the lowest of the low, but I consider it an honor and a privilege that the Lord would use to evangelize the poor.

My dream is to start a mission where the homeless can come and have a place to eat, shower, do some laundry, and have a place to hear the word of God and have bible studies. They can come to a place where they will feel the love of Jesus who is the true shelter from the world where they are treated badly.

I consider myself called to be an evangelist to the homeless. I cannot describe the feeling that I get when My wife and I and my three children go out and serve the Lord together. I am a truly blessed man. We currently assist a homeless church on Sundays that is held outdoors on a wharf on the San Francisco Bay. I have never been to a church where there is so much love amongst the brothers and sisters. After service on Sundays, we serve breakfast and pass out clothes and shoes to them.

I would love to study more of God’s word and take classes to become a better leader and Chaplain/Evangelist but I am disabled and in a wheelchair and cannot physically spend a lot of time to go to a bible college and I also am on disability and do not get enough money to afford to go to a college. Being able to get a diploma online is perfect for my situation, I have researched other online Bible schools and they also are very expensive. Receiving a scholarship from CLI would be an answer to my prayers. Please, I ask for your prayers for my ministry and that the Lord provide me with a building to start the mission, The Lord even gave me a name for the mission “Throne Of Grace Mission” after Hebrews 4:16. Thank again CLI for making it possible to study and I know the Lord will make my ministry dreams come true.

In Christ,


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