Evangelist Ministry Dream

Evangelist Ministry Dream

My name is Duy Dao and I have an evangelist ministry dream. I am a Vietnamese-American, born in Vietnam, raised in the United States. My parents immigrated to the United States under the refugee act. I currently work as a Digital Forensics Detective for a local law enforcement agency. I am a father to two and a husband to one. I really enjoy video editing, visual effects, and cinematography.

While growing up in the USA, I found myself always being surrounded by Christians, no matter the location. It was evident God’s hand was guiding my life the entire time. It only took me 26 years to see His hand.

When I was 4-7 years old, my Vietnamese babysitters were Christians and would bring me to church. I would learn of Bible verses while my parents were away working in a country that was foreign to them. While my parents had their free time, they would be led by others to partake in gambling at casinos in Florida. My parents would leave me with these Christian babysitters who would then take me to their Bible study groups.

As immigrants to a new country, we lived in government housing. There were a lot of services for people in need. I would go to Bible studies led by other churches in the streets and partake in their activities. Eventually going to the church groups at about 6 years old. What a blessing to be taken care of and grow up in God when your parents are Buddhist and Agnostic! I had no idea God was in my life at such a young age until I took a step back and looked at what He has done for me in my life and how He has given me an evangelist ministry dream.

My parents eventually prospered and moved out of the government housing. When we moved to a middle-class neighborhood, I would eventually make friends and find a youth group to go to. God would provide me with all the transportation I needed as my parents have never taken me to church. My parents would eventually divorce due to domestic violence in the household. I stayed with my mother and my father slowly disappeared from my life.

I eventually dedicated myself to God when I was approximately 11 years old. At the age of 14, I encountered a racially motivated attack on me within the public school. In 7th grade, I was involved in a fight where I had to defend myself from two attackers; this led to my right leg’s tibia bone being broken.

My mother was working at the time for a company with leaders that had their hearts right with God. My mother’s boss eventually placed me at Calvary Christian High School, a private Christian school. At this school, I would continue to grow and be nourished in the Word. My relationship with God was where I wanted it to be. Eventually, having to leave my Christian high school, where I was surrounded by like-minded Christians, would be a test. I briefly strayed away from God as I was doing self-discovery according to the secular views of the world. Instead of finding myself in Jesus, I conformed to the world and tried to find myself there. This was impossible. I needed to get back to my First Love, and when I get to Him, I needed to lock on and never stray. I eventually got back to my First Love and re-dedicated my life to Him.

My loving wife was taking classes at Christian Leaders Institute and suggested for me to do the same. We both have talked and were serious about finding a way to further the Kingdom of God. Taking the CLI Getting Started classes was enough to rekindle a flame within me and see how important it is to focus on my relationship with God before acting on my desires alone.

Getting into the Word is a commandment of God. For the majority of my life, I would pray and pray but would occasionally read the Bible here and there. I was ignorant and failed to put God first. Looking back at the younger me, I realized how much I was on fire for God. I wanted to get back, get my heart right with God, and follow my evangelist ministry dream. With these exceptional classes, I look forward to growing in Christ and aspire to be a well-equipped Evangelist for the Kingdom of God.

My vision for the ministry that I wish to create is to utilize the internet and to create deep and thought-provoking high-quality videos on YouTube for Jesus Christ. WIth the rise of Artificial Intelligence and The Internet of Things, I believe it is vital to reach the world for Christ via the internet on as many platforms as possible. A scholarship at Christian Leaders Institute would greatly benefit my vision for this ministry and me in furthering it.

If you are reading my profile, I ask that you pray for my Journey and Growth in God, and for Him to unrelentingly use this ministry to further his Kingdom. And remember, God is ALWAYS in CONTROL! God Bless!

Learn more about local “ecuministry” ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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