Evangelism Training

Evangelism Training

Join today and receive a scholarship towards pursuing evangelism training and becoming a leader in Christian ministry. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who found CLI and is using the scholarship for pursuing evangelism training to spread the word of God.

My name is Judith Ferguson-Missick. I am 54 years old and from the Bahamas. I am the first of 10 children by my mother and father but there are 26 half siblings by my father. I live in the greater Miami area for over 35 years. I am married to my husband Luellen Missick for 32 years and we have three children along with three grandchildren. I serve at The Open Bible Church in North Miami Fl for 11 years under Pastor Albert Guthrie.

I accepted the Lord at the tender age of 11, but as I got older, I wandered away from the Lord. At the age of 36, during a very turbulent time in my life, the Lord opened my eyes to Him in the most dramatic and radical way. One New Year’s Eve night, I was getting ready for a party while looking in the mirror for a last look before I left the house; I saw a vision of the condition of my soul; a grotesque, decomposing skeletal creature was staring back at me… I was shocked and horrified by what I saw, fear took hold of me; I tried to gather my composure, my husband who was not going out with me and probably did not want me to go either was confused by my reaction. I didn’t say anything to him as I too was confused. I sat at the foot of the bed trying to understand what just happened. Then, a very strong impression with a voice came to my mind as if I could literally hear it in the natural saying “if you were to go to this party tonight; that which you saw in the mirror will be your final end…” I realized quickly it must have been the Lord warning and showing me what looked like in the spirit. Right then and there my life had changed, I whispered “Jesus…” I mustered up the courage and looked again in the mirror this time I saw my natural face. I did leave the house that night however it was to go to a church and publicly turn my life over to God. I gave my entire life to Christ at the midnight hour of 1999 at a little church in Coconut Grove called Beulah Missionary Baptist Church in Florida.

I grew there in the Lord with the help of the Holy Spirit and the Elders. I developed an insatiable hunger and thirst for the word of God. Two years later I was asked to teach Sunday school, which led to filling in for the pastor in Bible study; which ultimately led to me preaching all within a few short years. My life has been an incredible adventure in the Lord, life for me has never been the same. Hence I don’t think I’ve ever been bored since I gave over my life to Christ. I had some real challenges and some very difficult storms in my life, but the Lord saw me through them all. I trust in His faithfulness. My husband was not a believer and was in some way not very fond of my new life, but through many prayers, the Lord changed his life. He is now a deacon who takes the task of opening the door and welcoming each person to the Sunday morning service a serious duty he also sings for the Lord which is a personal joy for me; what an awesome God we serve! I minister in many capacities in my church mainly as an evangelist with a heart for mission. My dreams are to continue evangelism training. 

My passion for God and serving in His kingdom is the best thing that ever happened to me. Helping people to not only accept the Lord but grow in the Him is a call I accepted and very serious about. I believe with all my heart that if people would have good understanding of the word of God, they allow the Holy Spirit to lead them into a changed life in the word of God, they will achieve as the book of Joshua calls it “good success” and peace will flow into their lives like the mighty river; regardless of the difficulties of life. I love the Lord with all my heart. I desire to help others and develop a continuous and meaningful relationship with the Lord. I look forward to my studies with CLI and hoping for my ordination process. I am greatly excited for what this ministry and evangelism training will entail. I am willing to take as many courses possible to make sure I did not miss anything vital. I have formal study training with the Open Bible Church INSTE Bible College and accredited in Des Moines, Iowa. I completed level 1 with above average grades, but due to cost constraints I was unable to start level 2 which comes with ordination. I can’t tell you how happy I am to find your school the feeling that at long last I can accomplish my goals and move ahead with confidence, that I have the knowledge and understanding that is essential to the Call of the Lord and my ministry… It is my prayer that CLI and I will have a lifelong relationship. After completing the ” getting started class” I can say, I have truly experienced a revival; I came to CLI with a desire to get more training to help my walk with God, and a ministry to help the inner-city youth in Miami; I truly believe I have already benefited from this course, praise the Lord! I now look forward to CLI with anticipation… I also look forward to writing a book of my story there is so much more to tell of the incredible work of the Lord in my life. The journey to my book begins here at CLI. Thank you, I hope you would consider me for a scholarship may God continue to bless you and your school.

Check out more stories about CLI students pursuing evangelism training and becoming leaders in Christian ministry and much more on the CLI Facebook page

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