Evangelism Outlawed In Bolivia?


Is Evangelism Outlawed In Bolivia?

Earlier this month, several weeks after Bolivia’s Constitutional Court lifted term limits allowing Morales (their President) to run for office indefinitely, a law was made to make evangelism outlawed in Bolivia! This was going to be punishable by up to 12 years in prison for our dear brothers and sisters in Christ if they shared their faith in Jesus Christ. When this happened, we here at CLI wondered what it would mean for our mission to raise up revival leaders in the area.

There are approximately 2 million evangelical Christians in Bolivia who have been told to stop telling others about their faith. In the past year, we have already had almost 9,000 students sign up for courses at CLI from Bolivia wanting to be revival leaders in their country.

Evangelism Outlawed In BoliviaStudents like Lizzeth Mendoza who was saved at 15 years old, and is now a CLI graduate at 20. She serves as a Chaplain at her local college and states,”God showed me the need in this college,… I saw the opportunity to prepare myself with these online classes at CLI that are a blessing to me and necessary to learn the steps I must follow to serve effectively in the work of the Lord.”

You can read her entire story here in Spanish: http://es.christianleadersinstitute.org/seminario-gratis-en-bolivia/

Without CLI what would Lizzeth do? It seemed all hope was lost. But…

The same day Bolivia’s evangelical leaders led a national day of prayer and fasting to protest their socialist government making evangelism a crime, the nation’s president, Evo Morales Ayma announced that he will tell the South American nation’s Legislative Assembly to change the law.

Morales tweeted, “We have decided to repeal the Criminal Code to avoid confusion and so the Right stops conspiring and doesn’t have arguments to generate destabilization in the country, with disinformation and lies. We are going to listen to the proposals of all the sectors that observe the code. The National Government will never approve norms against the Bolivian people.” The LORD answered prayer!

So there’s hope! Please join us in praying for our fellow students, brothers and sisters in Christ and their government!

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