Evangelism Ministry Calling
Evangelism Ministry
Hello, brothers & sisters in Christ! My name is Cathy Walter, and I am called to evangelism ministry. I was born in 1968 and I live in Indiana which is a Mid-Western state in the U.S.A. I have 2 grown daughters, ages 20 & 21. They were born one year apart on the very same day. I also have a grandson who is two years old and such a blessing to me. I feel very blessed that I am able to serve my risen Savior privately and or publicly without any persecution in my country. My heart is heavy for those who are not allowed to do so and I pray daily that this will change, but until then please know that our God will keep you safe in His arms!
I came to know Jesus Christ as my Lord & Savior at a Baptist church camp at age 13. I had been raised in a Christian home and attended a Nazarene denominational church. My best friend had also been raised in a Christian home and was affiliated with the Church of the Brethren. Together, we attended this Baptist church camp because some of our friends were going and we thought it would be fun. On about the fourth day, we gathered as a group to worship as we did twice daily, but something different happened this day. As we were singing to the Lord, my heart became heavy and my eyes began to fill with tears. The experience was emotional and at first, I wasn’t sure what I was experiencing. Then I realized that it was the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart. The Pastor’s wife who was nearby noticed my tears and placed her arm around me and whispered softly in my ear, “Do you feel that God is speaking to your heart?” I replied, “yes”, and the tears just streamed down my cheeks. I was so overwhelmed and with the encouragement of the Pastor’s wife, we made our way to the altar and prayed the sinner’s prayer. There were so many prayer warriors around me that day and I felt safer than ever before in my life. After the service was over, I called home to tell my mom & dad. They were so thrilled to hear my story and when I got home from camp they presented me with a brand new Bible! To know that God gave His only son to die on the cross for my sins was something I could barely wrap my mind around. From that moment on I was Christ-centered and my main purpose in life was to serve Him.
Unfortunately, I fell away from God and the path that He had paved for me in my mid-forties. I had spent eighteen years in an abusive marriage and was weakened to the point that I allowed Satan to grab hold of me. My earthly body had withered spiritually and I was struggling in a world without God and floundered for several years. My husband at that time was also an alcoholic and I too began to rely on alcohol as a way to numb myself from the pain. It was a very dark and lonely place. Only through God’s wonderful mercy & grace was I able to fight my way back out of the depths of sin and back into the open arms of Jesus Christ.
I have felt a calling into evangelism ministry for many years and like many individuals, I didn’t feel worthy. Given my time away from the Lord, I felt like I had disappointed Him beyond forgiveness but He spoke to me via the Holy Spirit and reminded me that I was His child and that I had a lot to contribute and He wanted me to pursue His calling. The thing that He has laid on my heart is Evangelism. Reaching out to people and leading them to Christ by possibly writing. That word writing seems to always come to mind when I pray and do my devotions. Not sure why as I have no professional training as a writer.
I have been praying diligently about this evangelism ministry calling and when I found Christian Leaders Institute while searching for Bible teaching & instruction, I knew that beyond a shadow of a doubt that God had led me to where He wanted me. CLI has been an answered prayer. I have just begun my studies and I am so excited to be a part of such a wonderful organization who truly wants to reach lost souls and bring them to God. At this point in my walk with God, I am still not sure what ultimately I will be doing for Him, but I do know that CLI is where I am to be for now. I thank God for His divine intervention in my life; for saving me from a world of sin. I want to serve Him today, tomorrow and for the rest of my life until He calls me home to be with Him!
A scholarship to study at CLI would certainly be a long-term prayer answered. I very much want to pursue evangelism ministry learning with leaders and professors who are men & women of Christ. To be able to study scripture and prepare myself to witness to others would be an incredible opportunity personally & a journey I would never forget. It would make me feel more confident when ministering to others. My family church is supportive of my desire to study at CLI and I am so excited to share my experience with others who would also enjoy studying at CLI and supporting CLI’s ministry both spiritually and financially. I pray that CLI will be blessed and grow in its ministry above and beyond what they have already accomplished.
Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.
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