Erick Florez of Panama – Christian Basics Graduate of the Day
Erick Florez –
“My name is Erick Florez, and I am 28 years old. I Live in Panama, City, Panama. God is blessing Panama as never before. Panama’s economy is growing as never before. Christianity is accepted here, although Catholicism is the predominant. We thank God that we can freely preach the gospel without persecution.
“I grew up in a Christian family. My grandparents are the senior pastors in the church. Although I knew the gospel from my childhood, I departed from the word of God for a few years.
“I want to serve the lord with my entire hearth. I know God is calling me to preach and to be a leader in my Church. God wants to do great things through our Church. Many people can come to know Jesus, build a relationship with Him, and Praise God for the things He has done. My main dream is to build a strong Worship Ministry at Church. For many reasons it has got weakened. I also want to teach people how to build a personal relationship with God in a practical way and how to go beyond belief to convictions. I want to be useful for my church in as many areas as possible.”
Erick Florez Receives a Scholarship
“It has been a blessing to find CLI. I was praying for the opportunity to study in a bible institute to get prepared for ministry, but unfortunately the options we have here in Panama are too expensive for my actual budget. The other issue I have is time, so having the opportunity to get prepared online works great for me. I really appreciate having a scholarship from CLI because based on what I have seen so far, I am convinced that I am going to get well prepared. You can be sure that I am totally committed.
“I would appreciate if you can pray for me, first physical strength since due to my schedule it sometimes gets hard for me to take time to pray/talk with God without getting sleep due to tiredness. Pray for the things God want to make in my church. Pray so God bless me with the gifts of the Holy Spirit so they can be used to edify the church. Pray so I can keep grounded and walking in God’s will.”